S2 won't stay connected to Note 5


New member
Oct 29, 2012
In the last couple of days or so I noticed that my S2 will not stay connected to my phone. It's almost always in "standalone mode." I can usually force a connection with the Gear app, but it doesn't last--within a minute or so it disconnects again. I've seen some people with the same problem online, but I can't find a solution. I factory reset the phone and the watch, so I can confirm that the problem happens with both the most recent firmware and the version right before it.

Any chance anyone can help with this? I like the S2, but it's not worth keeping if it won't connect to the phone.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2011
A few thoughts:

Some people have reported problematic bluetooth on the Note 5, almost like an internal antenna connection is poor and requiring warranty repair/replacement. Has your Note 5 exhibited this problem with any other bluetooth devices?

Did you pair any other devices to the Note since hard resetting both? (and just to be sure, when you say factory reset you are talking about wiping both devices completely, not just rebooting...sorry have to ask)

Can you try the watch with another phone, even for a short while?

How many firmware updates have there been for the watch? I thought I've only heard people mention one so far, but your post implies this is something that worked once and hasn't since the last 2 updates. If that's the case I'd definitely bring it to Samsung's attention. I turn off automatic updates once a watch is working OK for me. Samsung has a history of breaking things with updates (in my experience) and I don't like to be a beta tester. I want it to just work.

I have a Note 5 and I'd be happy to test this once Samsung releases a 3G S2 that looks a little less "sporty".

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