I am on a verizon prepaid plan with an unlocked s20 fe 5g phone. I know a lot of people are comparing their 5g speeds in these forums, but I am having trouble with my lte speeds. Most of the time I am on wifi and things work fine, but I noticed that when I am on lte the speeds are extremely slow. They are in the 1-3Mbps range on downloads. I have found that when I restart the phone or reset the network connections the speeds go up to where they should be: 40-60Mbps in my area in central ohio. At first I thought I may be getting throttled by verizon, but I am not near my data limit and restarting the phone fixes things for a couple of hours at most. This has been very consistent behavior the past week while I have been monitoring it. Has anyone else noticed something similar with lte speeds? Is this a problem with my phone? settings?