Samsung Galaxy S Video Problems


New member
Mar 13, 2011
Hey guys,

I'm having some problems with some weird stuff that's been going on while I'm playing videos on the Galaxy S that goes a little bit like this;

1. Video's on list show a 00:00 video length.
2. Once I tap on a video of my choice, it's then that It decides to show the actual video length.
3. While I'm playing videos, it will play it for a few second (or minutes) and randomly close the video.

Once it closes the video:

-I can't go past the point from where it decided to randomly close.

Every single video on my phone works like this
-Application using: Video player

What I use to transfer videos into my phone:
1.) Youtube
2.) Copy Youtube Video URL
3.) Add it to the LIST in "YouTube Solid Downloader and Converter"
4.) Download and Convert.
5.) Get Videos from folder where the Download and Converted videos where transfered to and send them to my phone.

If you desire a bit more information please leave a post.