Samsung Galaxy S5 storage full but not really, how to solve this issue?


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Aug 17, 2016
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samsung galaxy s5 "storage full" but not really, how to solve issue?

I got an alert that my storage was full the day before I was going on a hiking trip. I wanted to take quite a few pictures on the trip, so I moved all music, all videos, and all images from the phone onto my computer. When I look into how the device is managing there is supposed to be 5GB free, but the alert is still telling me that my storage is full. I've deleted my cache, force stopped most of my apps, and restarted my device. I still get the message. The alert has locked up my camera and files.


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Dec 4, 2012
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Re: samsung galaxy s5 "storage full" but not really, how to solve issue?

Welcome to the forums. Can you get us a screenshot of the storage stats, please? Even if it means taking a picture with another device?