Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 - Low Volume


New member
May 8, 2014
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Hi Guys,

Calling on some expert advice here.

I am a bit of a whizz on the PC/Laptop but i have decided to test myself and go for the next gen of Electronics with a Tablet.I have never used a tablet before so i am finding out new stuff everyday and learning as i go on.I've only had the tablet a couple of days so i have been pretty much focused on downloading all the apps I am going to use, and also customizing the lay-out as to how i want to set them up.

I haven't come to a point yet of uploading music/pictures as I was going to wait until i get my SD card through before i start clugging up the memory on the device with these type of files.

What has become apparent to me is that the Volume isn't really as great as what I anticipated it to be. I have done some research this morning, and i see many people are echoing my faults. I just wondered if there are any Android/Samsung users out there that can recommend any apps to get the best out of the sound on the device, or could my tablet have an issue with it?

I have bought the device 2nd hand off Cash Converters, but the device itself is spotless with not a mark on it so it looks brand new, what I do need to establish, is the volume generally low and if the answer is yes what ways are around it.

Thanks In Advance



Well-known member
Oct 4, 2012
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My experiencecafter 2 years, internal speakers terrible volume, bluetooth a bit better, wired speakers ok ear buds work best.
I should say best of your options.
You can fool around with some equalizer, and may get better volume.
Enjoy the Tab. Not the diet coke.

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