AC Question
samsung s4 running android 5.0.1 asked for restart and now it wont boot?
i got my samsung galaxy s4 lollipop used and rooter restored factory sittings i think that undid the root #SUPPERSU is installed though yesterday i installed root checker first 3 options said its rooted today i re-checked it wasnt no one used it only me . went to the #SUPPERSU to grant permeation it asked for update i pressed normal. ---failed---- then required a restart and wont boot after now im stuck at the SAMSUNG startup screen help please
i got my samsung galaxy s4 lollipop used and rooter restored factory sittings i think that undid the root #SUPPERSU is installed though yesterday i installed root checker first 3 options said its rooted today i re-checked it wasnt no one used it only me . went to the #SUPPERSU to grant permeation it asked for update i pressed normal. ---failed---- then required a restart and wont boot after now im stuck at the SAMSUNG startup screen help please