Samsung watch6 or pixel watch 2 to use with pixel phone now that the GW6 is $239?


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Jul 23, 2016
My wife broke her fitbit that is a few years old i'd like to get her an actual smart watch with mother's day coming up.

I'm sure this has been discussed before, but in my searches the prices of the two watches were close at those times. If that were the case i would just buy the pixel watch 2.
But it appears that the Pixel watch 2 is $350 and the galaxy watch6 is $239 currently.

I don't mind spending the money, what i mind is wasting money (she's a teacher and the watch helps us communicate during the day).
I do like to keep things brand inclusive normally. But for $100+ (maybe more if i have my sister in law uses her teacher email to purchase the galaxy watch) i'm open to using another brand unless there is any notable reasons the pixel watch is a better choice.

I do like that the galaxy watch has wireless charging too, that could make a real difference considering these watches need to be charged daily.
Though i worry samsung is going to make us sign into a whole bunch of crap we will never use.
Not totally thrilled she will lose the fitbit app, but i suspect she will get over it. Not sure she actually signs into it all that often anyway. Heart rate and step count seems to be the only important metrics she pays attention to.
Personally (and I think the AC reviews too) recommend the Galaxy Watch over the Pixel one. That being said, there are a few features that are Samsung-only if you don't have a Galaxy phone to pair with (most notably ECG/AFib notifications, Samsung Wallet, and BP measurements; the latter may not matter since it's further restricted per region and has, regrettably, not been FDA-approved in the US).
Welcome to Android Central! I can't comment on a direct comparison with Galaxy Watches, but I can say that I really love my Pixel Watch 2 -- really smooth performance, great battery life (typically down to 50-60% by the end of the day), and cool looks.

Have you considered the 1st gen Pixel Watch? It's currently available at Google, Best Buy, and Amazon for $180. My wife has that (hand-me-down from me), and she's enjoyed using it. Performance is just a little lower tier than the 2nd gen, but still miles ahead of any previous Wear OS watch. And it has wireless charging, unlike the Watch 2 that requires specific magnetized charging contacts.
Thanks for the replies.
I did consider the pixel watch one, but it seems like i would be buying the old pixel watch for close to the same price as the newer galaxy watch.

I feel like the pixel watch 2 should be on some type of sale by now, but if it is, i sure as hell can't find one.

With the Teacher discount, the samsung watches are also another 10% off and it looks like i can pull that off. Price comes up as $215

Assuming my wife gets 2 years a piece out of a watches, the extra $100 does matter in the end. Sorta like getting the 5th and 6th year free.

I would really like the pixel 2 to keep things in the same family, it just appears their pricing is out of date. It's like i will pay more and get less (especially with wireless charging missing).

I almost wish i could just back to getting her a new fitbit, but after looking at the GW6 and pixel watch 2 for three days the fitbit looks like an antique.

I have a few more days to decide, i may have to goto best buy and see them.
I did try a galaxy watch 6 and also the galaxy buds pro 2 briefly. I now have the pixel watch 2 and pixel buds pro. The connection and features of both work just so much smoother, almost like they were made for each other.
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Looks like google just lowered the price of the pixel watch 2 by $50.
I figured it would get more interesting which is why i have held out. Watches seem to be pretty easy to get, so there was no rush to purchse.
B.diddy, i just reread you post, are you suggesting the pixel watch 1 has wireless charging, but the 2 doesn't? I may have missed that the first time around.
Looks like google just lowered the price of the pixel watch 2 by $50.
I figured it would get more interesting which is why i have held out. Watches seem to be pretty easy to get, so there was no rush to purchse.
B.diddy, i just reread you post, are you suggesting the pixel watch 1 has wireless charging, but the 2 doesn't? I may have missed that the first time around.
What I meant was that the Pixel Watch 1's charger is a smooth magnetic surface, so the watch can charge by placing it in any orientation. The Pixel Watch 2's charger uses 4 separate magnetic contact pins in a square arrangement, and the watch can only attach in one orientation. I guess that makes it still wireless, but it's just a bit more limited than the 1st gen's charging.

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