Screen Sharing / Mirroring from Galaxy S3 to Galaxy Tab 3 10.1

Mark Pouliot

New member
Sep 24, 2013
What I want to do is apparently simple, but none of the apps state the answer to the main question that I have.
My S3 has UNLIMITED DATA and i do NOT want to use it as a hotspot and connect my Tablet via WiFi.
I want to share the screen of my galaxy s3 (say I'm watching Netflix or HULU on the S3) and I want to watch it on my Galaxy Tab 10.1 also...but here is the catch...I do NOT want to draw data on the tablet, only data from the S3. If I can do it with a micro-usb cable, that would be OK with me too. I just want to be able to share the screen from the S3 to the tablet, only using the data from the S3. Help Please????


Trusted Member Team Leader
Dec 4, 2012
What I want to do is apparently simple, but none of the apps state the answer to the main question that I have.
My S3 has UNLIMITED DATA and i do NOT want to use it as a hotspot and connect my Tablet via WiFi.
I want to share the screen of my galaxy s3 (say I'm watching Netflix or HULU on the S3) and I want to watch it on my Galaxy Tab 10.1 also...but here is the catch...I do NOT want to draw data on the tablet, only data from the S3. If I can do it with a micro-usb cable, that would be OK with me too. I just want to be able to share the screen from the S3 to the tablet, only using the data from the S3. Help Please????

Welcome to the forums!
I haven't used this feature on Samsung devices, but have you looked at the AllShare app?


Jul 14, 2011
Sounds like a weird use for the tablet, but hey, who am I to judge, right? Basically what you want to do is use your tablet as a mirrored monitor for your phone. Unfortunately, ShareCast (or Link or S-whateveritisthatSamsungiscallingitnow) only works from the phone or tablet to a SmartTV on the same WiFi network. There MIGHT be an app that could let you share the screen with other devices, though... sort of like setting up a VNC server on your phone and running the client on your tablet. maybe this app can help:

I also found another called "ScreenShare" but that seems to share only specific media files like photos and video, not exactly screen mirroring.

Mark Pouliot

New member
Sep 24, 2013
Thanks, but the " Make sure your Android device and the PC connect to the same WiFi network." kinda defeats the purpose, as this suggests that the TABLET will be drawing data.


Sep 4, 2009
Thanks, but the " Make sure your Android device and the PC connect to the same WiFi network." kinda defeats the purpose, as this suggests that the TABLET will be drawing data.

I'm not sure I understand your concern about drawing data over wifi. There are no charges associate with WiFi between two local devices. Your carrier won't even know about it.

Mark Pouliot

New member
Sep 24, 2013
As I am driving down the highway with an 8yr old in the back seat watching a movie on Netflix, there are no available WiFi networks for 1200 continuous
That's why the concern as I have a 3GB data plan using the Sprint Hotspot feature and one FLIX will easily eat that
I have UNLIMITED DATA on the phone so there will not be a DATA issue if i share/mirror the phone screen.
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Sep 4, 2009
Right, so if your tablet is sharing the screen through through Wifi, and your phone is connected through 3G or 4G, it's your phone that's using wireless data, not the tablet. The tethering plan isn't involved at all.


Jul 14, 2011
Ooooh, sorry, it just sounded on the OP like you had WiFi available but didn't wanna draw data from there. Your specific need does make a lot of sense actually.

I believe you can connect 'to the same network' using WiFi Direct. This creates a local network between devices without the need for a router.


New member
Dec 28, 2013
OP, were you ever able to figure this out? I'd like to be able to mirror my Galaxy s4 to my Nexus 7 or Asus Infinity t700 (or both would be even better!)


New member
Feb 3, 2014
My question is sort of along these lines.

Blackberry had an app that was called blackberry connect...bottom line, when you got home, initialize blackberry connect and your phone becomes a paper weight...

All of the phones functions are now available on the blackberry'
therefore only one device has all function on it. and you can control media, contacts etc from the tablet.

vice can hook the playbook up to a monitor...and your phone acts as a useable interface with the playbook. Cursor control...function control etc.

Is there an app or a way to make this happen with my Galaxy SIII and my Tab 3 8.0?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Bas Vos

New member
May 26, 2014
sorry for my english, I understand exactly what you want, and I am also looking for a while.
I want a cheap tablet in the car and use that as the screen of my phone.
Phone in my pocket but stil use Google maps or so, if you find anything, let me know. thanks Bas


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2011
Welcome to the forums!
I want a cheap tablet in the car and use that as the screen of my phone
Why don't you just use the tablet for everything that you need to accomplish and use your phone as a wireless hotspot for the tablet? Much less complicated than trying to mirror the screen (which hasn't been successful anyway).

Sent from my rooted, debloated, deodexed Sinclair ZX-80 running CM -0.001 using Tapatalk

Bas Vos

New member
May 26, 2014
I want the tablet install into my car
and leave the phoning in my pocket and use the quality of the phone even a new one next year or later


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2011
Yes, you can use the phone as a wireless hotspot while it's in your pocket and use the tablet to do all of the actual work.

Sent from my rooted, debloated, deodexed Sinclair ZX-80 running CM -0.001 using Tapatalk

Bas Vos

New member
May 26, 2014
i like to use my apps from my phone on the buildin tablet, i do not care off the resolution (no movies) and leave the phone in my pocket


New member
Aug 5, 2014
Blackberry is actually the best at this I believe. My data plan is unlimited but I only have 11GB with my mobile hotspot, Netflix eats that up in like 2 days. But if I tether my phone to my iPad, the network thinks it's my phone using it so it uses from the unlimited data. Tmobile got smart about this about two weeks in but by then I had used 99GB so screw them. Once it throttled me I switched to my hotspot.

The problem with the Galaxy is that you can only tether with a USB cord. Ipad doesn't have USB outlets so it's pointless. I don't know why Blackberry offers the option of using either Bluetooth or USB but thankfully they do because if they didn't I would use up all of my mobile hotspot in two days (like I did with the Galaxy). Using tethering (unlimited data) versus the hotspot (11GB) allowed me to get away with a lot more Netflix viewing. Unfortunately TMobile seems to have discovered this and throttled me at 25 gigs this month, but at least I got a good week out of them. If you're somewhere where there isn't wifi, tethering is the best option until they make mobile hotspots unlimited.


Sep 15, 2010
I'm looking for an app that'll do the same thing. I circumvented Sprint's $30 tethering fee (I have unlimited data for a reason, it's not as is tethering to my laptop somehow makes my sketchy 3G signal somehow get faster; they just wanted the fee for the privilege, nothing more) by rooting my phone and installing WiFi Tether Trev E Mod and had been using it without a single issue for 2+ years...tethering to my laptop (which is hooked up to my TV), an Android dongle (also on my TV) an/or to my Android-based car stereo/tablet. They're cracking down on his now, I refuse to pay their fee out of principle and the glaring fact that my signal at home sucks.

Now I'm trying to find a way to mirror my phones screen to my tablet. I installed and am using ScreenShare (found on the Play Store) this evening, and while it's nice in that it allows me to surf the web via my tablet, I'm only allowed to operate within the parameters off the apps programs...getting onto the internet through it's browser, viewing pics/videos/documents through it's viewer, but I'm looking for a true mirror app.

I don't have WiFi at home anymore (unlimited isn't so unlimited after all), so I need something that'll operate via Bluetooth, WiFi direct (my tablet doesn't have that though) or whatever it'll take so I can mirror my phone to my tablet so these two devices communicate, be it if I'm at home or driving down the road. Any other suggestions?
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