Screenshot not working, Instagram notification and Internet question


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2016
I would appreciate it a lot if someone can help me with following questions.

1. I was able to take screen shots just fine using the power and home button last night, but as of this morning, when I press the 2 buttons I hear the click/beep it makes but screenshot option with crop, share option is not showing up, so technically it;s not taking the screenshot even though it makes the sound confirmation. Did I maybe disable something I shouldn't have?

2. With iPhone, I used to get separate notifications each time someone posted a picture. With Note 7, I only see notification pop up from last person with numbers next to it indicating how many others have uploaded picture. If person A uploads picture followed by person B, I only see person B notification with number 2 next to it with no way of figuring out who person A is.

3. On the internet app, is there anyway to lock bottom tab with home, bookmarks, tabs option? It's only visible when I scroll to the top of the page. Also, what's the easiest method of swiping to the top of the page? I was on Twitter app, and it didn't give me that button that allows you to scroll up because it only becomes visible when you are on the bottom of the page, and twitter is an endless page.

Thank you.

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