Should I buy the Google Nexus 5 or wait for the Nexus 6

Rikesh Dhirajlal

New member
May 9, 2014
Finally on the last month of my 24 Month phone contract and was looking for a good phone that would last me another year or 2.

There are many good deals on the nexus 5 with 24 month contracts and available for very cheap, but will it be just better to wait for the nexus 6 and get that as that will probably easily last me 2 years if the specs are good.

Also this is a totally random question but do you think its worth buying 2 nexus 6 phones on google play as soon as they are available and wait for them to go out of stock and try selling them on ebay for profit :D



Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Also this is a totally random question but do you think its worth buying 2 nexus 6 phones on google play as soon as they are available and wait for them to go out of stock and try selling them on ebay for profit :D


Buy them all !


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2012
Finally on the last month of my 24 Month phone contract and was looking for a good phone that would last me another year or 2.

There are many good deals on the nexus 5 with 24 month contracts

You are FINALLY on your last month of a contract. That is great, but why do you mention great deals on Nexus 5 on 24 month contract? As far as the Nexus 6 is concerned; that is merely a rumor as Silver may be replacing the Nexus line.

Why wait! Get the Nexus 5 now....but don't get into another contract. That makes no sense.


Active member
Apr 28, 2012
I agree. Just got off my Sprint contract about two weeks ago, bought the Nexus 5, and switched to T-Mobile with no contract.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2013
Finally on the last month of my 24 Month phone contract and was looking for a good phone that would last me another year or 2.

There are many good deals on the nexus 5 with 24 month contracts and available for very cheap, but will it be just better to wait for the nexus 6 and get that as that will probably easily last me 2 years if the specs are good.

Also this is a totally random question but do you think its worth buying 2 nexus 6 phones on google play as soon as they are available and wait for them to go out of stock and try selling them on ebay for profit :D

I would say wait in general. This is the time where all new phones are coming out and you may not want the nexus 6 when it comes out, or while waiting for the nexus 6 another phone might come out that you like and has good specs. In my opinion the nexus 5 was released back in November and now we are in May. Not to say the nexus 5 is a bad phone I love the nexus 5 i have it but for a person that is looking for a new phone now i would just recommend waiting and seeing what is going to come out.


Retired Moderator
Nov 21, 2012
OK.... first... who is your carrier?

Second... it depends. I've never been one to chase future phones. It'd be one thing if the next Nexus device (Google has not come out and said that the Nexus line is dead, so I will be under the assumption that there will be a 6 unless otherwise noted)... but it'd be one thing if it was coming out next week or so. But it isn't expected to be released for another 6 months. There's a LOT that can go down between now and then...

The Nexus 5 is an awesome phone at a crazy price.... as long as you don't destroy the thing, it's powerful enough to give you a pretty long run... Can I say that definitively? Yes, in fact I can. "Can I see into the future?!" Nope, I just look into the past. Look no further than the Samsung Galaxy SIII. That was the hotshot phone when it came out in in May of 2012. It just celebrated it's 2nd birthday and there are still plenty of people out there that have one and still like it. I had one before I tossed Big Red to the curb in January... and it was a great phone still.

The growth curve is slowing.... and unless there is some earth shattering breakthrough in mobile computing, I would chance a guess that when the Nexus 5 turns two, gap in performance, functionality and usability to the top new phones will be smaller than the gap between the SIII and the Nexus 5 is now.

But, aw hell... crap.... I wouldn't have the patience to wait anyhow. :)

Ed Briggs

Well-known member
May 14, 2013
You can play the waiting game forever. There will always be "the next great thing". The Nexus 5 will be a viable top phone for a long time. Ditch your contract, get a N5, and enjoy it. It's a great phone.


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2013
You can play the waiting game forever. There will always be "the next great thing". The Nexus 5 will be a viable top phone for a long time. Ditch your contract, get a N5, and enjoy it. It's a great phone.

You can also play the timing correctly. If you know that the Nexus phone comes out once a year in the Fall, then buying that time of year ensures you're always on the cycle to purchase the newest device. Buying a Nexus 5 today is a mistake IMO unless you're desperate for a new phone. Throw in the fact that Android Silver devices are also scheduled to be released this year, and I'd highly recommend waiting until later in the year before purchasing.


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2011
Buy it from Google Play, there is no reason to get locked into a contract again. AT&T discounts there no contract plans by $15/month if you bring your own device, that's what I have. If you can live with T-Mobiles coverage then you can save some money vs AT&, T-Mobile separates the phone cost form the plan cost. As for the Nexus 6, no one knows what it will look like yet or even if there is going to be a Nexus 6. Google has made some noises about ending the Nexus line in favor of Google Play devices. You might want to wait for the LG G3 to be announced, it's due at the end of the month. If there is a Google Play version of the G3 then that might be the phone to get assuming that you don't care about the price which will probably be about $250 more than the N5.


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2012
Google's Sundar Pichai without confirming actual launch details for the next Nexus smartphone, did say that such a phone will not hit stores in the first half of the year, hinting the device may be launched in the second half of the year. I am thinking another October announce and November ship dates.

Right now I am worried about the size of the screen that rumor says anything from 5.2" to 5.7". Not sure I want a 5.7" phone so I will try out my friends Note 3.


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2013
Google's Sundar Pichai without confirming actual launch details for the next Nexus smartphone, did say that such a phone will not hit stores in the first half of the year, hinting the device may be launched in the second half of the year. I am thinking another October announce and November ship dates.

Right now I am worried about the size of the screen that rumor says anything from 5.2" to 5.7". Not sure I want a 5.7" phone so I will try out my friends Note 3.

What rumors are you referring to?


Linux: The power beneath
May 31, 2010
will it be just better to wait for the nexus 6 and get that as that will probably easily last me 2 years if the specs are good.

Do you want a 6" phone? I don't. I think this obsession with larger and larger screens is now out of control. I have had them all, 3.25", 3.5", 4", 4.5", 4.7", and 5".... I think I have reached my limit. Played with an HTC One Max (5.9") and it was crazy too big.


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2012
What rumors are you referring to?

Google’s Sundar Pichai's statement when talking to journalists at MWC 2014. The other part about the screen size rumors are all over the place but since they are calling it the Nexus 6 it does lead me to think the screen will be larger than the Nexus 5 with a 4.95" screen. I'm just not sure I want a much bigger screen than the N5. Anything over 5.2 and I may be out.

Sundar Pichai talks Nexus 6, Galaxy S6 and more at MWC 2014


Well-known member
May 21, 2012
I would generally advise against chasing the next phone, particularly if you're going to get it off contract, where you can replace it again anytime you want. Get the Nexus 5 now, and wait for the Nexus 7 (or whatever comes out in a year and a half). It's to easy to get seduced into waiting for the next big thing, and it rarely leads to smart buying habits.


May 3, 2010
Finally on the last month of my 24 Month phone contract and was looking for a good phone that would last me another year or 2.

There are many good deals on the nexus 5 with 24 month contracts and available for very cheap, but will it be just better to wait for the nexus 6 and get that as that will probably easily last me 2 years if the specs are good.
It will not be out till at least October and probably November.

I would never buy a phone under $400 on contract unless i had no choice. It's just not worth binding yourself to a contract over.

The Oneplus is out this month and is better than the Nexus 5 in most ways hardware-wise.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2012
Google is killing the Nexus line and releasing the Android Silver line. So the Nexus 5 will be the last of its kind.

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