Skinomi screen protector?


Well-known member
May 20, 2011
Just wanted to see if anyone on here has put a Skinomi screen protector on their Bionic yet. I have an anti-glare one on that I got at Verizon. I've gotten used to the way it makes the screen look, but really wasn't thrilled that it doesn't cover the glass entirely like they assured me it would at the store, only really covers the "screen" portion of the glass.

I was looking online for something that would cover the entire glass surface and have the appropriate cutouts for the camera and ear phone and came across the Skinomi one on Amazon and since it seemed pretty reasonably priced I bought it. The description (much like a lot of things I've noticed on Amazon over the years...) didn't really seem all that detailed, wasn't sure how many screen protectors I was even getting when ordering (like how some come in packs of 3). So I was kind of scratching my head when it showed up as what I could tell was a BOX in the shipping package it came in yesterday. I initially thought there might be quite a few in there, only to open up the front flap of the box to reveal a long slender bottle of some type of solution. At this point I was really perplexed, then noticed that the flap I had opened up actually was more like a sleeve which had another flap along the side of it which I opened to find the actual screen protector. I then began to read the installation instructions on the main flap and discovered that the application of these screen protectors uses this liquid solution and it says you need to keep your fingers and the screen itself WET during the application, and then use the provided "scrapper" to work any bubbles and liquid out from between the screen protector and screen. It states that you should NOT get any liquid into any cracks or open areas of the phone (such as the ear phone).... I couldn't help but wonder about the very small "gap" that my phone appears to have all the way around the glass where it doesn't seem to completely touch the body of the phone itself, especially along the top. I figure if this screen protector pretty much covers all of the glass, it's going to be nearly IMPOSSIBLE to NOT get any of that liquid down into that space when working it out during the application process.

Has ANYONE put one of these on their phone, and if so is the process fairly simple/easy? Were you able to not get any liquid into that space around the glass and the body? Is that just on my phone?!? Guess I may be taking this one back for a replacement I was sitting here at my desk typing this out, I went to turn on the screen and it didn't respond at all. Even holding the button down wouldn't power up the phone and just had to do a battery pull to restart it. This is about the 3rd time in the 2 weeks I've had the phone I've needed to do that..... It didn't get charged overnight last night but is at 50% so it didn't just die on me..... ugh.....


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2011
Re: Bionic screen protectors

I have personally never used a screen protector on my OG Droid, Thunderbolt or Droid Bionic and never had a single scratch on any of them. Gorilla Glass FTW!


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2010
Re: Bionic screen protectors

When I had my D3 I got a "scuff" on the screen. It was really weird. It was like some of the finish of the screen scratched off, but not an actual scratch. If you cleaned the screen really well, it would disappear until your skin oils touched it again. Now I put a screen protector on everything.

I would look into the SGP Steinheil screen protectors. I've had really good luck with those and they are crystal clear. They were just released for the Bionic. Some places on Amazon are selling them for $13.99-$15.99 with free shipping.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Re: Bionic screen protectors

In other threads it has been shown that the skinomi screen protector causes problems with the proxmity sensor. Look screen going black or phone locking. The solution was to cut away the screen protector where it was covering the sensor.


Active member
Jul 24, 2011
i read that there are issues with that screen protector and the proximity detector with calls. if you are looking for a good screen protector, i'd recommend sgp ultra series. they just released it for the bionic. i had sgp protectors for thunderbolt and iphone previously, was very satisfied with the quality. i just ordered the ultra oleophobic myself, waiting for it to arrive.


New member
Sep 20, 2011
I just got my Skinomi and put it on the Bionic a few minutes ago. I'm new to the forum so I don't know if I can post pictures but I will try later or tomorrow after it fully dries.

I have used a lot of both the wet and dry screen protectors over the years....and like everyone else I still search for the perfect one. Each has pros and cons. Don't worry so much about the are just spraying a very fine mist. You phone probably gets more wet in the rain. For installing on the Bionic, what I did was lay the phone flat, spray the screen and both sides of the Skinomi, then gently place down and align with the holes. Before I used the card to push out the excess water, I took a lint free cloth and placed it over the edge of the phone that I was pushing towards. So as I pushed water down toward the bottom, I just held the cloth near the bottom so it soaks up most of the liquid before it gets into that "channel" around the screen.

even then, water does get in there and it's ok. It is not much water. Just keep wiping with the cloth as you push out more water and you'll be fine,

I will post pictures soon.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2011
Just wanted to give everybody a heads-up. I installed the steinheil oleophobic (I used the bathroom shower method...worked great) and I can't even tell it's on. With the beveled edge of the phone it is kind of difficult to line up correctly.

The heads-up is that the proximity sensor no longer works with the protector. If you're on a call and you remove the phone from your face the screen stays off. You have to push the power button for the screen to turn back on. Because I was pissed, I took off the protector and the sensor works again. I sent an email to steinheil about this, I recommended that they needed a cut-out on the protector for the sensor. I'll let you know if I get a response back.


Sep 13, 2011
I have the Skinomi screen protector and I like that it covers not just the screen, but the bezel around it. However, I'm having the same problem as some other folks here; it's messed with my proximity sensor. The finish is a lot better than both the VZW matte I had on it when I first bought it or the gummy Zagg brand, but I think I'll have to remove it anyway since it's getting a little irritating having to hit the power button and unlock just to end a call. I'm waiting to see if any other brand comes out with a protector that covers as much as Skinomi does, but doesn't cover the sensor. Anyone have any suggestions?

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