So, I customized my dialer (finally)...


Jun 6, 2011
I was really hating the look of the dialer from Gingerbread on BACKside IHO. I liked the Froyo one a lot better. And ultimately, I'm going to see if I can make it happen, and I think I can. What I just did, and I don't know if this is like old hat to the pros around here or not, but being a newb of sorts, I'm pretty proud of myself. Here's what I did.

Found this link...
[Morphs] Theme Chooser Add-ons: Lockscreens, Dialers, Boot Animations, Wallpapers

It's on a Verizon Droid forum, but I'm pretty sure it's theme stuff for CM7, so I figured what the hey.

I downloaded the "Minimal" dialer. Put it on my SD card. I downloaded zipthemer from the market.

Ran zipthemer, loaded up the .zip file that I downloaded from that site, clicked Build It, on zipthemer, and it created a flashable update .zip file, but it didn't work. scripting error. So I thought, must be that Edify mumbo jumbo, or something like that.

So in zipthemer, sure enough, if you hit the menu button, there is an Update Edify button. What you need to do is direct it to a ROM that has the newer Edify scripting. I used Harmonia 1.6. But you can use BACKside too I'm sure. Then I hit configure, and it updated the scripting. Then when I hit Build It, it created a flashable zip that worked. Flashed, and booted (after making a backup), and sure enough I had my new dialer. It was grey, but sharp looking, better than before.

But I didn't like the highlighted state of the button, it was just slightly lighter than the unpressed state. So I thought, what if the highlighted/pressed state was another color, to make it stand out more.
So from the link above, I downloaded the Green one too. And I renamed the green unpressed graphics and replaced the pressed minimal graphics, then zipped it back up. And did the same as above (you need to update the Edify every time you create a flashable zip in zip themer. And it worked. I now have a grey/minimal button style, that highlights in green when you press a button. I love it.

This is my actual screenshot...

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Well-known member
May 11, 2011
I'll have to check this out in more detail when LeslieAnn gets a "final" version of Harmonia 2.0 ;)


Well-known member
May 11, 2011
I'm surprised more people aren't interested in customizing their dialer.

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I'm guessing it's because most people are okay with the stock dialer...

Haven't played around much with Gingerbread but I know I'm perfectly happy with the Froyo dialer. lol


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2011
I'm surprised more people aren't interested in customizing their dialer.

Sent via VM670

IMHO people don't customize their dialer because they rarely ever see it. Most of the time we just see our call log or contacts list to make calls.


Jun 6, 2011
IMHO people don't customize their dialer because they rarely ever see it. Most of the time we just see our call log or contacts list to make calls.

Good point. I use my dialer a lot. Even when I have people in my contacts, I'm used to just dialing the number anyway.

For whatever reason I got hung up on not liking the Gingerbread dialer. I'm very happy with the results of my modification though.


Well-known member
May 26, 2011
GingerbreadEX is a CM7 theme, thats a apk, no flashing, just install like an app and choose it from the theme chooser.

it themes the music player and the dialer and overall its a VERY VERY nice theme. stays out of the way and doesnt overdo anything but completely changes the dialer and music app, and keeps the colors of the entire OS matching. nice muted oranges and purples on black.

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