Something I just discovered today about charging the note 10.1

J Teezy

Well-known member
Dec 1, 2012
Well I got my note 10.1 on Christmas and since they I have always charged it via the supplied cable and wall plug. I recently bought a 10000mah battery pack to use to charge cellphones, ipods, my note 10.1, and other devices when I'm away from a wall plug. What I found out today.

The battery pack will not charge a galaxy note 10.1 while the tablet is on. A red x appears over the battery icon on the note when you plug it in while device is on. I turned the note off and the battery charge icon started moving so i left it plugged into the battery pack for awhile to see if it charged it all. After about 30 minutes hooked up to the battery pack while powered off the note 10.1 did indicate that it had recieved a charge (it was at 57% when i plugged it in, and 63% when i checked it later on). Another funny thing is I have a belkin surge protector that has usb plugs on it so I tested it on that. Again with note on you get a red x over the battery icon. Humbled by this I plugged my note 10.1 into the plug that came with my s3 and I get the same red x while note is on. So what is it with the actual plug piece that goes into the wall outlet for the note 10.1 that it is the only way to charge while the note is on? Same thing happens when I plug my note into my laptop get the red X over the battery icon while the note is on, but if i turn it off it charges. Has anyone else noticed this as well and has the same findings as me or is something wrong here? The only way i get a charge status on the battery icon in the notification tray while my note is powered on is if it is plugged in to the wall plug that came with it, any other charging methods I have tried require the note to be powered off.

J Teezy

Well-known member
Dec 1, 2012
So is the only way to charge with the tablet on by using the included wall plug? Can you guys run some test?

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Active member
Dec 28, 2012
Mine charges slowly through the usb when connected to my pc. I typically charge it at night and turn it off when doing so through the included wall plug.

I did buy a higher out put usb car charger made for tablets. Have not used it enough to have an opinion of its charge rate. It's winter here and I try not to leave it in my truck unless I'm in there with the heat on. I guess I get through the days just fine and sometimes a couple days depending how much the tablet is on. Then I charge at night.

Edit: An expert will have to step in here, but my guess is that the usb plug from your charging battery does not put out as much juice as the will charger does. I think the wall charger is putting out 2amps at 4.8 volts. I think a typical desktop usb puts out more like .5 amps, which explains the slower charge rate.
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J Teezy

Well-known member
Dec 1, 2012
Mine charges slowly through the usb when connected to my pc. I typically charge it at night and turn it off when doing so through the included wall plug.

I did buy a higher out put usb car charger made for tablets. Have not used it enough to have an opinion of its charge rate. It's winter here and I try not to leave it in my truck unless I'm in there with the heat on. I guess I get through the days just fine and sometimes a couple days depending how much the tablet is on. Then I charge at night.

But you are connected to your pc and the tablet is on is there a red x over the battery icon like in my picture

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Active member
Dec 28, 2012
Sorry I was editing as you replied. No I don't get the red x. I just plugged it in to my pc to double check.

And it looks like, your battery is suppose to give 2 amps. Are you charging more than one device at a time?

J Teezy

Well-known member
Dec 1, 2012
No. I get the red x with any method if it's on and connected to power.
Only get the charging bolt icon if it's plugged into the wall plug it came with
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Active member
Dec 28, 2012
Looks like it has 2 ports, one is 2 amps. I assume you tried both ports? Then something about pushing a button on the unit to start charging?

Just checking, not assuming your an idiot! It's easy to look past things sometimes.

J Teezy

Well-known member
Dec 1, 2012
Yes both ports have been tried. It charges s3 and ipod fine. I've plugged my note into the ravpower, Bellin surge usb ports, computer, xbox 360 and other wall plugs. All give the red x icon on the battery when the tablet is on

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Active member
Dec 28, 2012
I stand corrected, I did not see the little red x in the very low right corner. I was looking at the battery symbol. Mine charges from my pc when connected and turned off apparently. I just checked again. Hmmm that's interesting, I wonder what is different about the wall charger since your supply is also rated for 2 amps. Between the two of us we have learned nothing! Ain't technology grand?

J Teezy

Well-known member
Dec 1, 2012
so the battery icon on the bottom right of your screen when powered on and connected to the PC does have the red x over it?

I just found this on samsungs site

SAMSUNG's Digital World - Support

wish some other people would chime in her to verify that they too get the red x over the battery when charging via other ways instead of the included wall charger so that i know there is not something possibly wrong with my tablet or charging cable

J Teezy

Well-known member
Dec 1, 2012
just got done with a live chat with Please wait for a Samsung Agent to respond.

All Samsung Agents are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. A Samsung Agent will be with you shortly.

You are now chatting with 'Stanley'. There will be a brief survey at the end of our chat to share feedback on my performance today.

Your Issue ID for this chat is LTK56402361583X

Stanley: Hi, thanks for reaching out to Samsung tech support. How can I help you today?
Josh: i had a question regarding charging of my Galaxy Note 10.1
Stanley: I will try my best to answer your question.
Stanley: Could you please provide the model number and the serial number?
Josh: model is GTN8013EVGR
Josh: serial is R32CA011D3A
Josh: sorry model is GT-N8013EAVXAR
Stanley: Thank you.
Stanley: Please go ahead with your query.
Josh: when i have my tablet on and hook it up to charge via the cable to any usb port other than the wall plug that was included there is a red X over the battery icon
Stanley: The tab will display the icon but it will charge from the cable also.
Josh: so even though theres a red X over the battery icon and the battery in the settings menu says its discharging it will still charge?
Stanley: Yes, you are correct.
Josh: is there a reason why this icon is displayed and the only time it isn't is when its connected to the included wall plug?
Stanley: It happens after the ICS update.
Josh: I see. Will this be fixed in the Jelly Bean update?
Stanley: I am sorry to say that we do not have the information about the future updates, it might will fix the issue.
Josh: is there any ETA of when the USA rollout of the Jelly Bean update will occur. I have seen that Germany and the UK have recieved the JB update for the Note 10.1 but the USA still has not
Stanley: I am sorry to say that we do not have any information about the Jelly bean update release date.
Josh: ok thank you for your timesamsung and this is what they had to say


Active member
Dec 28, 2012
Well that's interesting. I really thought it charged because I had it plugged into the pc for awhile messing around, but I never noticed the red x. Strange thing is if you go into battery under settings, it says it's discharging not charging.

I love how they dodge the jelly bean questions. Kind of comical.

J Teezy

Well-known member
Dec 1, 2012
Well that's interesting. I really thought it charged because I had it plugged into the pc for awhile messing around, but I never noticed the red x. Strange thing is if you go into battery under settings, it says it's discharging not charging.

I love how they dodge the jelly bean questions. Kind of comical.

Yes says discharging. I have my note connected to the ravpower right now and using it to see if it gains charge or looses charge. Want to see if the agent was just ceding me rubbish

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New member
Jul 13, 2012
While using my netbook to load some movies onto my Note 10.1, I did get the red X also. However, it did charge, although very slowly. I think if you are using anything putting out less than 2 amps all you will get is a trickle charge.

J Teezy

Well-known member
Dec 1, 2012
While using my netbook to load some movies onto my Note 10.1, I did get the red X also. However, it did charge, although very slowly. I think if you are using anything putting out less than 2 amps all you will get is a trickle charge.
well the ravpower outputs from one of the ports at 5V/2amps and the other is 5v/1amp

been watching a netflix movie for 12 minutes and the battery is holding at 91%


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2011
Now Samsung says that they do not know when JB will be out in the USA, but some people are buying them in the USA with JB already on it.

Samsung can't blame this on carriers this time. I just wish they would role of the update.

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J Teezy

Well-known member
Dec 1, 2012
Traveling over the weekend I found that the Ravpower will basically slow down the discharge rate of the note 10.1. By turning the screen brightness way down I could keep the battery from discharging faster.

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Joseph Faircloth

New member
Mar 2, 2013
I have been having these same issues for months now, switching from usb port to usb port... correct me if im wrong but the only way to charge my note 10.1 without using the wall charger it came with is to power off the device then plug it in?