Speak to text not working properly after installing Oreo update on AT&T LG v30.

Phone lover 789

New member
Nov 9, 2016
First of all, this phone is incredible. I do a lot with music and photography and video and it never ceases to amaze me. Basic functions on the phone work great and I am so happy with it.

Except...the speak to text feature is not working like it did and it's driving me crazy. I will attempt to describe what it's doing, in which circumstances and what I've done to fix things.

So we all know what speak to text is right? You hit the microphone button on the keyboard when it's pulled up, talk, and your speech turns to text. I use this constantly. Whether it's to create a text or an email or start a Google search or even other things that I don't recall right now. Before the Oreo update it worked flawlessly. Never ever had any issue. Since the Oreo update I have had constant problems. It is rare for me to be able to get through any type of document without it ceasing to work. And what this looks like is it appears to be listening and hearing me when I talk but it eventually stops and no speech will have been converted to text. Or maybe the first few words and then it will stop working.

This is what I've done to try to figure out the problem and my conclusions in what's possibly happening.

1. Complete factory reset on the phone. No change. In fact I've spoken at length with AT&T about this issue and they have no information on this being a widespread problem. After they had me do a factory data reset on the phone they concluded because that didn't fix it that I have a bum phone. They sent me a replacement phone - same problem continues.

2. I've tried multiple keyboards. Phone/factory, Google, Swift. Using Swift right now because it doesn't seem to matter which one I use the problem continues.

3. I've tried it with Wi-Fi off or on. I've tried multiple variations of this whether I am near a connected Wi-Fi signal or not. Does not change anything.

4. Retrained my voice more than once in the Google settings.

5. Made sure I didn't have any app updates or software updates that needed to be installed.

There are only a few possible conclusions that I've arrived at.

1. The quality of AT&T service and connection quality has declined immensely since before the update and this could be causing connection issues which of course would cause this to be an issue. However I DON'T THINK this would explain why it is no different when I'm connected to Wi-Fi. And I think it's unlikely that AT&T connection quality would plummet everywhere that I go and all at the same time.

2. There is a specific problem with this phone just like my original phone. I think this is the most unlikely possibility.

3. Maybe something has changed with Google? Perhaps this might be linked to the update itself.

4. I think the most likely explanation is the Oreo update had something different going on with speak to text that is affecting this phone. I'm not finding that it seems to be a widespread problem with all Android phones so maybe it's something specific with LG v30 Hardware? I don't know.

At any rate, that's happening in my world. Would be curious to see if anyone else has experienced this.


Retired Moderator
Feb 12, 2012
Thing 6 you should have tried as thing 1:

Bring the phone into your local AT&T store and ask where the Device Support Center is. If it's not in the back of that store they'll tell you where it is. Bring the phone to them. When it's your turn, go up to the counter and explain the problem. If they can't fix it yet (in other words it's a known problem and they're waiting for a software update), you'll just have to wait. If they can fix it, be prepared to wait long enough to read a short novel. (The DSC is usually pretty good if the problem can be fixed, even if they have to try a few different things - even if they have to call "tech support support" for help.)

I suspect, though, that it's a software problem with the update (it may not be widespread, but I've heard of it happening with a few other people), which means waiting until they come up with an update to the update.


New member
Jun 3, 2018
Dealing with the same issue, using speech to text in text message, it will work once go back to send another and it will not work, reboot the phone it works. Then there are times it works all day no problems. Taken in to tmobile, did factory reset and did not fix the issue. I hope someone there is someone that will find a fix for this.

jimmy allen1

May 29, 2014
Same here and it's REALLY MAKING ME MAD.
I'm almost to the point where I'm going to try to find an LG office here in the United States drive there kick down the door and start slapping people that used to work flawlessly it's only done this since the update they won't even acknowledge there's a problem and as you guys know this is one of the features we use most especially me since I have problems with my hands I've already thrown this phone twice and if I actually break it I'm going to flight to China and kick down the door of their headquarters and throw the broken no
ts of the phone into their eyeballs


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2014
I posted on this issue a while back, looks like others are joining the "fun".

I'm on Verizon. What happens for me is I will dictate the message and get maybe halfway through or all the way through one sentence. As soon as I pause and try to speak out the next sentence, it goes into listening mode, but then automatically shuts off. It's rather annoying

jimmy allen1

May 29, 2014
I'm sure that we are all having the same problem most of the time it will start dictating what we say and then it will quit especially if we add punctuation or a space and sometimes just for no reason at all
I posted on the LG Mobile Facebook page they didn't seem to understand my problem so I made a screencast video and gave them the link to it I'll post it here at the bottom if you guys want to hear me throw a fit : ) lol
They replied with a fix. And so far it seems like it's working I only applied to fix a few minutes ago so I may be speaking too soon but it has gotten me all the way through this with no issues so fingers crossed knock on wood hopefully this will help the rest of you guys read the instructions below its Rick quotes in the LG representative

I see. We sincerely apologize if this has caused an inconvenience on your end. Anyway let's try some troubleshoot steps and see if that would resolved the issue. The first thing that we will do is to Clear out the Cache and Data of the LG keyboard itself. To do this, just kindly follow the instructions below.

1.Go to Settings>General>Apps
2.Once your under Apps, hit the 3 dots on the top right corner and choose Show System.
3.After you hit on Show System, on the list of applications, look for LG keyboard and hit on it.
4.If you already hit the application, you should be able to see there the Storage, hit on storage and you will have the Clear Cache and Clear Data button.
5. Just hit on both Clear Cache and Clear Data, if this is done then, get out from the setting and try to test the unit again.


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2014
Thank you for researching into this. I used Google keyboard and did the same steps. May not work but worth a shot


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2014
Just gave it a shot, and it actually let me do 3 sentences, punctuation and all. I can't say for sure it will last, but so far it's improves

Jesse Guthrie

New member
Mar 11, 2014
Same thing here (Got T-Mobile). I speak once and then the next time it doesn't work or it will cut me off in the middle of a sentence. it will start working again for one time after 30 seconds to a minute later and then happen again. We need answers :-(


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2014
Got a small update from Verizon yesterday. Hoped it would fix speech to text but sadly still back to being as bad as it was.


Well-known member
May 5, 2013
Re: Speak to text not working properly after installing Oreo update on AT&T LG v30.

Weird. I use it all the time in my car with my phone mounted. But I have to turn off the AC when I do it so it doesn't pick up the wind noise from the vent. I'm on AT&T. I'm using it right now. But I use SwiftKey keyboard but I don't know if that would make any difference. And I can keep adding to my sentences.



New member
Aug 9, 2018
I'm sure that we are all having the same problem most of the time it will start dictating what we say and then it will quit especially if we add punctuation or a space and sometimes just for no reason at all
I posted on the LG Mobile Facebook page they didn't seem to understand my problem so I made a screencast video and gave them the link to it I'll post it here at the bottom if you guys want to hear me throw a fit : ) lol
They replied with a fix. And so far it seems like it's working I only applied to fix a few minutes ago so I may be speaking too soon but it has gotten me all the way through this with no issues so fingers crossed knock on wood hopefully this will help the rest of you guys read the instructions below its Rick quotes in the LG representative

I see. We sincerely apologize if this has caused an inconvenience on your end. Anyway let's try some troubleshoot steps and see if that would resolved the issue. The first thing that we will do is to Clear out the Cache and Data of the LG keyboard itself. To do this, just kindly follow the instructions below.

1.Go to Settings>General>Apps
2.Once your under Apps, hit the 3 dots on the top right corner and choose Show System.
3.After you hit on Show System, on the list of applications, look for LG keyboard and hit on it.
4.If you already hit the application, you should be able to see there the Storage, hit on storage and you will have the Clear Cache and Clear Data button.
5. Just hit on both Clear Cache and Clear Data, if this is done then, get out from the setting and try to test the unit again.

Tried that, still not working, even typing on Gboard is very sluggish at times, reverses letters, cursor jumps to the wrong place, inserts things, letters disappear. I speech to text, it does a few words, then on the next word the rest disappears. Useless but I still want to find the problem.


New member
Oct 2, 2018
I was having same problem and I simply deleted Google keyboard and re-installed and it's been working just fine. I think the Oreo update corrupted the keyboard settings so a fresh install of the Google keyboard software corrected the problem.

Steve Young5

New member
Oct 6, 2018
I was having same problem and I simply deleted Google keyboard and re-installed and it's been working just fine. I think the Oreo update corrupted the keyboard settings so a fresh install of the Google keyboard software corrected the problem.

So far this solution is working for me! Only 5 minutes in but keeping my fingers crossed :)

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