Ever since Sprint launched their WiMAX network, there has been a lot of speculation that Sprint would eventually make a move over the 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution). In a round table discussion at Mobile World Congress this week, Sprint's Vice President of Networks, Bob Azzi said the carrier will be evaluating customer migration from EVDO (3G) to WiMAX (4G) over the next four to six months. They will then be evaluating the best way to use their existing spectrum before reaching a decision on a potential switch from WiMAX to LTE. While Verizon's 4G LTE network offers building penetration and coverage, Sprint's 4G WiMAX is the only wireless provider that offers unlimited data access on 4G. If they decide to make the transition to LTE, the switch should be as easy as swapping out a new baseband card and issuing a software patch.