What country do you liveI recently recieved a software update. What was it for and did anyone else get it.
I recently recieved a software update. What was it for and did anyone else get it.
Looking at his post history he has posted in the Sprint recall section suggesting he lives in the USA and that he is using a Sprint version phone.What country do you live
I seriously doubt that. The only place that has said they were doing that was Korea, and that was for people who haven't exchanged their phones (exchange phones have been available to them for awhile). There is no evidence that reduced battery charging would prevent the charging problem. If it were that simple Samsung would have temporarily initiated that right away (everywhere) when they announced the recall to "protect" their customers. If there is a US battery limiter update it would not be initiated until after (if) the exchange phones are available for trade in the US.It's probably for reducing battery capacity for safety reasons.