Starting a new blog/channel for budget tech! looking for some help/info!

Steve Adams

Well-known member
Jun 30, 2012
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I am gearing up to start a new blog/channel for reviewing and discussing the more "frugal" side of technology. I am not going to be reviewing any note 9 phones etc. It will be more like the polaroid available at the local store here for 100 bucks type devices. What I am looking for is what is the max dollar amount that I should spend on review devices. What I am thinking is this

phones - 300 dollars

Tablets - 300 dollars

Laptops - 500 dollars

Other tech - say 200 dollars.

that sound like reasonable prices to stay "frugal"?

I would like to hear everyones thoughts. There are MANY blogs and channels dedicated to reviewing the best of the best, but I do not see many doing the cheaper stuff that MOST people would buy.

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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That sounds reasonable. For phones, maybe even bump it up to $399, since you can get some excellent phones in that range, and considering that flagships are jumping to the $1000+ neighborhood, getting something under $400 would seem like a bargain!

Steve Adams

Well-known member
Jun 30, 2012
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That sounds reasonable. For phones, maybe even bump it up to $399, since you can get some excellent phones in that range, and considering that flagships are jumping to the $1000+ neighborhood, getting something under $400 would seem like a bargain!

Thanks diddy.

I am going to be working on a couple of videos soon to post up on a blog site and YouTube now. I am also starting a travel blog for travelling with a child with autism. I started that a few years ago but life really got in the way so we are starting it up again.

Steve Adams

Well-known member
Jun 30, 2012
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Wow, that sounds fascinating (and I imagine would also be quite helpful for other parents out there with autistic kids)! Good luck!

Yeah it is fascinating. I acutally had it up and running before and Had a few hundred daily hits etc. Life got in the way big time with my oldest starting university, starting a new business and selling my jeep. Now, fast forward to the present. I have closed my business, selling the house and moving to a smaller one (I have 6000 sq ft right now with 2 acres of developed land), getting a new jeep again and living life. I hope I can find some seasonal work here. Couple that with building and selling furniture, and blogging I can make a living and not be too stressed out with work again. Selling our house and equipment from my business will pay off all our debt, and buy our new Expo rig jeep!

Stay tuned for more information on everything. I would rather spend my days out in the garage making stuff and sitting behind the computer doing video and blogging about tech and travel than punching a 9 to 5 anyways!