aside from not having to do a battery pull every day, the phone boots in like 40 seconds! i got so used to the atrocious boot times of my bb's that i almost pissed myself.
i have to wait 7 damn minutes for my Tour to reboot. +1 excitement for my DROID's impending arrival.
i noticed that some people at crackberry get very defensive about their BBs. I wouldn't go so far as to claim inferiority complexes and such. But look, the reality is RIM fell behind with their OS. ****, if Palm surpasses you with an innovative OS...
And BB users know this. And personally, I think the Android platform pisses them off more than the iPhone because, unlike the ubiquitous Jesus Phone, Android, as an open ecosystem, has damn near limitless potential for growth, development and innovation. Sorry, no Steve Jobs hate, here. Sorry, no mindless drones happy with fart apps. Just tech ass nerds who giggle at thought of putting HTC Sense on a Moto phone. Lolz...keep looking for Plazmic themes, though.
I knew my time @ crackberry was running out when I started to see people proclaim BB as a "grown up phone" and everything else as a "toy," iPhone included. BB is a great platform for email and security. I need more than that. Safe to say my fellow droids here require the same thing.
Personally, after playing with the Storm2, I finally read the writing on the wall. Other than rehashes of the same phone (Bold, Tour, Essex, Onyx, whatever), the Storm2 is the best RIM can do right now. It took them a year to do something they should've done in the first place. Meanwhile, they're getting chased by an open source OS that became popular with a phone manufacturer no one had heard of before...if not outright lapped, but that's debatable.