Storm users are hurt by the droid


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2009
I just left the crackberry website and you would not believe how many of them have nothing but anger towards the droid device, is actually pretty sad, anyone have any ideas why. i believe the storm is actually a good device just needs an OS update what about you guy out there.


Retired Moderator
Nov 2, 2009
I don't understand how some people act towards another phone I upgraded from a tour which was a great phone too. I don't hate iphones, blackberries of any other phone its nice to have choices. Not sure if some people get jealous or what.


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2009
i know its kind of weird some people hear a new phone is coming out and look to crush something wrong with it right when they get the chance


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2009
They're threatened by a superior device. I posted about this in the off topic forum cause I didn't wanna complain in here.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2009
I just left the crackberry website and you would not believe how many of them have nothing but anger towards the droid device, is actually pretty sad, anyone have any ideas why. i believe the storm is actually a good device just needs an OS update what about you guy out there.

The 5.0 release is a good OS for the Storm. Most people don't have any issues with bugginess with it. That aside, some people are tired of the Storm's hardware, others are tech junkies, some want to try an android on vzw, etc.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2009
people get oddly defensive about their purchased (or deisred purchase) now days. it's a stigma of our society where some people feel like they have to justify their purchase indirectly to themselves and others by making seem like the only logical purchase any rational person could have made.

the most obvious example is the general apple fan. it's why i hesitated so long to buy an apple computer, and after a couple years i got rid of it, because it just didn't do what i wanted. but right after i bought it, when i would take it out almost anywhere people would talk about how awesome it was to have a mac and blah blah, of course 99% of them had one.

i don't know why people can't just look at what THEY want, choose the thing that does the most of it, and then just get on with their lives. i mean these things are ALL just fairly inconsequential tools meant to help make our lives easier in some ways...

i feel better now. :)


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2009
I will be interested to see if, after the initial marketing push, the Droid will live up to VZW's expectations. I was in the local VZW store to see what kind of cases/skins they had for my Droid and I asked the rep if they had seen a flood of Droid purchases. He said they had not, and the original Storm far outsold the Droid on opening day.

I have a BB Curve issued by my work. It's fine for what I need to use it for, but I wouldn't purchase one for personal use, having seen what the Droid is really capable of. My boss has an Apple 3GS and he loves it but is showing interest in my Droid.

Bottom line, there are lots of good devices out there and the trick is to find the one that meets your needs and pocketbook. No need to put down another device that makes someone happy.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2009
I will be interested to see if, after the initial marketing push, the Droid will live up to VZW's expectations. I was in the local VZW store to see what kind of cases/skins they had for my Droid and I asked the rep if they had seen a flood of Droid purchases. He said they had not, and the original Storm far outsold the Droid on opening day.

I have a BB Curve issued by my work. It's fine for what I need to use it for, but I wouldn't purchase one for personal use, having seen what the Droid is really capable of. My boss has an Apple 3GS and he loves it but is showing interest in my Droid.

Bottom line, there are lots of good devices out there and the trick is to find the one that meets your needs and pocketbook. No need to put down another device that makes someone happy.

that's what my friend at the store i bought it said too, he felt that there was more anticipation for the storm than there is for the droid.

personally, i feel like it's a combination of a very limited marketing campaign (it was funny how pretty much everyone that was at the store i went to was a 20-30 year old, technologically inclined male) as well as them having far more supply with the droid than the storm.

the store i went to had something like 300 units, and had sold 45 or so by 9am.

i think if verizon can change gears in their marketing, they could probably pull a lot more users over the holidays into the droid lineup in general.

and of course, releasing something like the HTC Passion couldn't hurt either ;)


Original Member
Oct 24, 2008
In my experiences with *some* BlackBerry users, I've noticed they seem to be very bitter towards new devices as they think theirs is superior. They did the same with the iPhone. It's pretty funny actually, especially since their device OS is basically Java based. And it's even better that most of them will never have or even will try the Droid, iPhone, etc... yet they still bash them. Oh well what can you do... ;)


New member
Nov 8, 2009
I picked up my droid yesterday
in the 20 minutes I was at the counter two other droids were in progress :)
Friend of mine is going to try to pick one up today

Completely unprompted another friend emailed me last night asking what I thought of the droid :lol:
Which of course prompted me to tell him I thought it was so great and I'd coincidentally bought one earlier that day!

I'm a former 1st gen Storm owner, and was very frustrated with it.. which pushed me to the droid :)

I haven't had to reboot yet, I'm goign through reboot withdrawals...


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2009
I am coming off 3 years with being with BlackBerry. Most recently the Storm 9530. While I wasn't one of the ones that had problems with it and actually loved it, when i heard about the droid and starting watching videos and reading reviews, I felt it was time to put my "fanboy-ness" aside. And that's really all it is with most BB users. Fact is, RIM is just behind with their OS presentation. Fact is that I now realize that BlackBerry is not the be-all of smartphones. The only advantage I think BB has over any smartphone is the way they do email. other than that, RIM has a long way to go to catch up. While there are things about the Droid that are different and are going to take some getting used to, I love this phone. This is by far the best phone i have ever had. Fast as all get out, and i'm downloading and uninstalling apps left and right and this thing hasn't slowed down on me yet. No battery pull none of that. it just WORKS!


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2009
aside from not having to do a battery pull every day, the phone boots in like 40 seconds! i got so used to the atrocious boot times of my bb's that i almost pissed myself. :p

Original Goonie

Active member
Nov 3, 2009
aside from not having to do a battery pull every day, the phone boots in like 40 seconds! i got so used to the atrocious boot times of my bb's that i almost pissed myself. :p

Haha, same here! I turned off my phone to restart it and proceeded to set it down to go do something while it turned on and then i realized it wasnt my BB anymore... I know the feeling.


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2009
Haha, same here! I turned off my phone to restart it and proceeded to set it down to go do something while it turned on and then i realized it wasnt my BB anymore... I know the feeling.

I definitely agree with the boot up time. I timed my today at 35 seconds actually. Either way I have heard most people say its 40-45 seconds. Point is, it's under a MINUTE! And another point is i don't HAVE to reboot it unless I take my memory card out. Which sounded like a pain at first, but a 40 sec boot time renders that no problem!


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2009
I will be interested to see if, after the initial marketing push, the Droid will live up to VZW's expectations. I was in the local VZW store to see what kind of cases/skins they had for my Droid and I asked the rep if they had seen a flood of Droid purchases. He said they had not, and the original Storm far outsold the Droid on opening day.

I have a BB Curve issued by my work. It's fine for what I need to use it for, but I wouldn't purchase one for personal use, having seen what the Droid is really capable of. My boss has an Apple 3GS and he loves it but is showing interest in my Droid.

Bottom line, there are lots of good devices out there and the trick is to find the one that meets your needs and pocketbook. No need to put down another device that makes someone happy.

The original Storm did sell thru 100% on opening day, but this was also partly a result of the fact that they had very very limited quantities.


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2009
In my experiences with *some* BlackBerry users, I've noticed they seem to be very bitter towards new devices as they think theirs is superior. They did the same with the iPhone. It's pretty funny actually, especially since their device OS is basically Java based. And it's even better that most of them will never have or even will try the Droid, iPhone, etc... yet they still bash them. Oh well what can you do... ;)

This is so true, blackberry users bash all devices said be have a superior os then their own and quickly jump to messeging and email to defend their devices credibility


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2009
The original Storm did sell thru 100% on opening day, but this was also partly a result of the fact that they had very very limited quantities.

that and they didn't get new stock in for a while, which led to a wii-like demand issue.


Oct 20, 2009
aside from not having to do a battery pull every day, the phone boots in like 40 seconds! i got so used to the atrocious boot times of my bb's that i almost pissed myself. :p


i have to wait 7 damn minutes for my Tour to reboot. +1 excitement for my DROID's impending arrival.

i noticed that some people at crackberry get very defensive about their BBs. I wouldn't go so far as to claim inferiority complexes and such. But look, the reality is RIM fell behind with their OS. ****, if Palm surpasses you with an innovative OS...

And BB users know this. And personally, I think the Android platform pisses them off more than the iPhone because, unlike the ubiquitous Jesus Phone, Android, as an open ecosystem, has damn near limitless potential for growth, development and innovation. Sorry, no Steve Jobs hate, here. Sorry, no mindless drones happy with fart apps. Just tech ass nerds who giggle at thought of putting HTC Sense on a Moto phone. Lolz...keep looking for Plazmic themes, though.

I knew my time @ crackberry was running out when I started to see people proclaim BB as a "grown up phone" and everything else as a "toy," iPhone included. BB is a great platform for email and security. I need more than that. Safe to say my fellow droids here require the same thing.

Personally, after playing with the Storm2, I finally read the writing on the wall. Other than rehashes of the same phone (Bold, Tour, Essex, Onyx, whatever), the Storm2 is the best RIM can do right now. It took them a year to do something they should've done in the first place. Meanwhile, they're getting chased by an open source OS that became popular with a phone manufacturer no one had heard of before...if not outright lapped, but that's debatable.
Nov 8, 2009
vass0922, did you get 1 or 2 year contract w/ storm? I got storm too(first gen) but have 2 year contract.. how on earth did you get out of the 1st contract? (penalty? or... )


Active member
Nov 7, 2009
i really loved my blackberry, and i swore i would never switch, but once i used to changed me. i love the nice screen and browser, but the email system honestly sucks compared to bb, and i really miss bbm too.

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