Ok all you Genius's out there (and I dont mean that sarcastically, I mean that sincerely ) I have dove into a world just a bit over my head with the help of some on line research, and have managed to brick my new galaxy s4. Did i back it up you ask... no, dont even know how.. but here is what i did do: I did root the phone successfully, the next step i changed the services.jar, and services.odex files by adding .bak to the filenames. the i inserted the downloaded services.jar, and services.odex files that were supossed to make the hotspot work, into the system folder and rebooted the phone, it hangs up on the yellow sprint screen... so from there i wiped all user data, wiped the cache and did factory reset. .. it still gets stuck at the yellow screen. does anyone know of a way to get into the phone system folder through a PC and delete the 2 modified files, and change the original 2 files back ?