Hello all the excited soon to be Thunderbolt users! I have some info on how Verizon Wireless customers who already have the Talk & Text Plus Data promo or an Alltel Smartpak plan will work with the Thunderbolt.
I work for VZW and my department handles all promotional offers and plans. There will be no change in how your current Talk & Text plus Data or Alltel Smartpak plans work! I know there were some people who were concerned about the data plans that would be available for the new 4G phones and I wanted to give this clarification to you guys. If there is any issue with activating your phone if you have these plans we can make sure you keep these pricing options. Also, learned something interesting about Data Only plans that are available for the Thunderbolt. There is a plan for $49.99 that will be for data only. I believe the voice rate is $.25 per minute. The only catch is you have to purchase the phone full retail and I imagine would probably have to call over the phone to get it set up properly. If you provide the Thunderbolt yourself via eBay, Craigslist, ect. that didn't involve any contract I imagine this would work as well since it would be considered Customer Provided Equipment.
Also, for clarification, the Talk & Text plus Data promo has already expired. The offer ended 1/31/11 so it's no longer available. I've received some PM's about this and just wanted to make sure this was clarified. This post was intended for customers who already have there plans. Hope this was helpful.
I work for VZW and my department handles all promotional offers and plans. There will be no change in how your current Talk & Text plus Data or Alltel Smartpak plans work! I know there were some people who were concerned about the data plans that would be available for the new 4G phones and I wanted to give this clarification to you guys. If there is any issue with activating your phone if you have these plans we can make sure you keep these pricing options. Also, learned something interesting about Data Only plans that are available for the Thunderbolt. There is a plan for $49.99 that will be for data only. I believe the voice rate is $.25 per minute. The only catch is you have to purchase the phone full retail and I imagine would probably have to call over the phone to get it set up properly. If you provide the Thunderbolt yourself via eBay, Craigslist, ect. that didn't involve any contract I imagine this would work as well since it would be considered Customer Provided Equipment.
Also, for clarification, the Talk & Text plus Data promo has already expired. The offer ended 1/31/11 so it's no longer available. I've received some PM's about this and just wanted to make sure this was clarified. This post was intended for customers who already have there plans. Hope this was helpful.