This is the only article I've read stating what we all know, but no YouTube reviewers ever mention about the S24 camera...

Is it a flaw with the S24? A flaw means that it is not doing something it was designed and built to do. It is an unintended defect. How can the S24 do something if it wasn't designed to do it? It doesn't have the same algorithms that Pixel has, therefore, it can't do the same thing. This does not make the S24 a flawed or inferior device. By any stretch of the imagination.

This article is simply a hit piece and nothing more.
When you have to resort to nitpicking semantics, it's a pretty good sign that you've lost the argument.
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Both phones, one in each hand, taking the same exact shot at the same exact time, under the same exact conditions. No setup, just a situation where my wife asked me to (quickly) get the moment and so I did...
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