It's a big uHD Amoled screen with a top of line CPU and an only OK sized battery. Why people love this device and talk about the great battery life is not because it lasts the longest as pure gaming or reading phone. People get fantastic battery life out of it because of how it does when it's the phone.
I personally hate the use of SoT. It's a universal number but it's stacked for the users that wake up the phone and don't put it down till the battery it dead. I personally only get 3.75-4.25 SoT on average. That's because I use my phone as a phone. I make a few calls, I send a few texts, maybe I put a total of 40min of game time in during the day. Why it's been the best phone for me ever is due to how it conserves power without having to turn on battery saver when I am not using it. I can easily get 24hrs during my busiest days, and can get a day and half without even trying to hard. This phone if I used really lightly could go 3 days without a charge. My N6 would lose 20% over night. My Pixel 2% at most.
If you are looking for a phone that has the best SoT you want one with the biggest battery and an underclocked Cpu. Or get a small tablet. But not the Pixel, it does a great job as a smart phone, buts it's not going to win any awards as a game system.