The oneplus one tempted me, but the announce and then wait was a horrible mistake for them. I'm already over it just by continuing to use my Moto X. Honestly, you wanted feedback and reactions to the Moto X. I'm just going to be a broken record. I've had mine since day one on Verizon, late August. I absolutely love the crap out of it. It has so many unique features like driving mode and active display (in particular, the screen activate with movement/pocket removal) just to name a few. People also forget as these other phones (and media coverage) keeps pushing the spec war forever onwards that Motorola ended the bs with this phone. It does not have a latest and greatest but it works soooo damn well. So why do I need to upgrade when nothing is lagging or slow right now on the Moto X?
Need I go on? OK. We are on the newest android version and have been since kitkat was brand spankin new. The core software apps have been off loaded into the store for easy updates individually so there's no need for bug fix maintenance releases to the entire firmware. The phone feels great in the hand and is a respectable size in a new age of giant devices. Battery life is stellar on a smaller than average battery. It is all of the good about Android and very little of any problems. Far and away the best phone I've ever owned and I'm not looking to upgrade.
-Slim Nexus 10-
You know on all of your points, I completely agree with every single one of them. For example, the screen size is 4.7 inches but it's such an edge to edge scream that I even on still my favorite SwiftKey keyboard in favor of Swype because one hand in this phone verses 2 hand typing method works so much better I can't get over how smooth, fluids, fast, consistently the window / screen animations are I mean it's butter .. yes you're absolutely right, with the Moto X plus 1 they say it has a Snapdragon 800 CPU 2.3 gigahertz quad core, am i complaining about the s4 pro CPU in the Moto X? Hell no! It never lags, its always smooth as hell interestingly enough, my friend who has a 32 gig Verizon Galaxy s3, is wanting to root his phone for kit Kat because unfortunately by default the s3 will never have that software and again we've got the core Google applications and which is awesome awesome awesome.. You're right, the smartphone war beginning with Samsung followed by htc, has been a spec war and if you've seen the YouTube videos like I've seen online, TouchWiz on the s5 makes it lag vs the Moto X which of course doesn't have the same processing power beats it out in basic application runtime: test... Just like everyone else on the forums for the X, I love the quick to flick of the wrist gesture for activated camera I remember the days of the original Droid one where they're at the hardware button, then manufacturers are like it cost too much money we will have a lock screen shortcut which was annoying because you still have to unlock a phone here you don't have to unlock the phone you just activate it sorry for my rent as well but that's why I created this thread..
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