To Protect, or Not to Protect:That is the Question (Part 2 - Eating Crow)


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Jan 5, 2019
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The back story: I initiated or took part in a number of threads, starting way back in February, regarding the use of screen protectors for the Pixel 8 Pro. I was originally using them and then stopped because I found them to be costly, inconvenient and troublesome. I shared my two-bit opinion with other AC Forum members on more than one occasion, writing that I felt that screen protectors weren't really necessary based, in part, upon my unblemished (pun intended) record (up to the point of each post) of zero scratches without a screen protector.

Well, folks, 10 months in and I just found 2 (gasp, count them - Two 😱) micro scratches on my display screen. They are only visable when the display is turned off and reflected just right in a bright light, but they are there, nonetheless, and my anal retentive, OCD personality has taken over. Remember when you were a goofy adolescent and a friend told you that you had a small pimple on your nose, but when you went and looked at it in a mirror what you saw was a zit the size of your fist? If micro scratches were zits, then that's what I'm seeing right now. Unfortunately, Clearasil isn't going to work on this one and I can't just pop it and wait out the scab to heal.

How the micro scratches got there is a mystery to me. I was extremely (and I really mean extremely) careful and never had my P8P in the same pocket as keys or any other hard objects. There is no sand to speak of where I live, so sand hiding out in a pocket just waiting to cause havoc and misery wasn't the issue. I also used a Spigen Tough Armor case that provides additional protection with a raised lip above the screens. The hardest thing that I am aware of that display ever coming up against was denim - or maybe a fingernail. I never used the phone to polish rocks or to play fetch with the dog, and I never used steel wool or Ajax cleanser to clean the display - honest. Yet, there the scratches are, taunting me, laughing at the naive kid with the big digital zit.

I have reluctantly put a butt-ugly screen protector back onto my beautiful Pixel 8 Pro display, just like I used to reluctantly dab pseudo-flesh colored Clearasil goo onto my face and convince myself that none of the cute girls could tell. 😂 Unfortunately, I can't fool myself as easily now as I could at thirteen and I would be hard pressed to make the call as to which would make for the more glaringly obvious and silly looking coverup.

Worst of all, now, not only have I covered up my beautiful P8P display again with a piece of ill-fitting, response-killing glass, I have done so knowing that underneath that ill-fitting, response-killing glass lies an ugly digital zit the size of my fist.

Moral of the story: Use caution when listening to some random AC Forum poster giving their two-bit advice and make sure to protect your Pixel phone's display with a screen protector. Wait, I just told you to use caution when listening to some random poster like me. 🤔 Okay, well listen to me without caution just this one time... 😉
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Oct 10, 2024
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I have a Panzerglass screen protector on my Pixel 9 pro xl and I can't believe how smooth and responsive it is. The fingerprint sensor is lightning fast and never fails. Well worth the investment.
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