TouchPal_V5.0 release already, Swyer-killer support Themes now!!!


Sep 27, 2010
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Support change theme now!!!and more coming soon, enjoy!!!

Click to watch vedio on YOUTOBE

:) :D :( :'( :-\ :p ;) :eek: :mad: :confused: :-* :cool: :-! :-[ O:) :-X :-$

Why to choose TouchPal?

maybe you will like to see these:

TouchPal Keyboard Highlights:
** TouchPal Curve **
TouchPal Curve is the next generation of swiping technology. It brings prediction to sliding. In Swype, you have to slide the complete word, and you’ll easily get lost with long words. Using the Predictive Sliding technology in TouchPal Curve, you may pause in the middle of a word to get prediction. You can slide only a very small part to finish a long word.

** Blind Type **
With TouchPal’s patented mistyping correction technology, blind type is no longer a dream! You may type 50% faster with TouchPal Keyboard because you don’t need to worry about making mistakes.

** Smart Prediction **
TouchPal Keyboard predicts words in a smart way. The prediction is based on sophisticated language models and machine learning. It also learns your input pattern and optimize the prediction that works best for you ONLY! It may save up to 80% of keystrokes.

** Multilingual support **
We are releasing TouchPal Keyboard in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Russian, German, Chinese, and many more languages.

** Themes supported **
There are 12 themes available now and more are coming soon!.

:) :D :( :'( :-\ :p ;) :eek: :mad: :confused: :-* :cool: :-! :-[ O:) :-X :-$
Last edited:


Sep 27, 2010
Re: TouchPal_V5.0 release already, Swyer-killer support Themes no

Is there a change log?

yes, but change log is in Chinese.
maybe you would like to find good frend google.

1. 各地地名、方言细胞词库
2. 最上一行的工具栏能自定义调整各工具的前后次序,还可以添加更多组件
3. 支持一键微博
4. 自定义换肤功能
5. 候选词栏可以向后滑动,无需进入更多页面
6. 9宫格左侧的符号可以自定义
7. 自定义短句输入快捷方式,例如:按3下键输入完整的家庭地址
8. 新增触宝输入竞赛,可以自测输入速度,并可以联网参加比赛
9. 手动调整词的优先级,删除用户词
10. 英文输入使用了触宝最新专利TouchPal Curve滑行输入,相当于swype和swiftkey的结合
11. 触宝输入竞赛,自测输入速度,还可联网参加比赛


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2011
This keyboard switched me from Go, and I didn't think it was possible. This is excellent.

Sent from my Liquid Thunderbread HTC Thunderbolt


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
Re: TouchPal_V5.0 release already, Swyer-killer support Themes no

Thanks casparchan. Really like this keyboard.


Trusted Member
Dec 21, 2010
Re: TouchPal_V5.0 release already, Swyer-killer support Themes no

Version 5 has a lot of really good improvements. SwiftKey still does better at text prediction, but I've been watching the TuochPal prediction get better and better as I use it. It really does learn how you type (I think SwiftKey has a slight advantage since it can link to your Facebook and SMS texts to start learning your way of wording things from the start). Swiping is pretty accurate, too. I love have the combination of swiping and text prediction together. It definitely makes for typing some things out a lot quicker.

I think the small downside (compared to SwiftKey and Swype) is that it doesn't start out with as large a vocabulary. But, it does learn, and if you use certain words a lot, they should pop up correctly more often. I opened up Color Notes, started a new note and just typed for a while. This got me used to the keyboard, the quirks of using it, and also helped build up the library of words I use.

One of the things I like about v5 is that it is easy to turn prediction on/off by swiping across the space bar. That makes it quite easy to type out usernames (where prediction would try to correct the spelling) without the keyboard automatically selecting some other word. I also like swiping across the keyboard (usually from the language or enter keys) to switch keyboard layouts. I just wish it were less clicks to get to the large-button numeric keyboard (swipe to the right, press the 12# button, press the 123 button), but definitely not a deal breaker.

There are still a few bugs. Some things I notice are punctuation. If you add a period or comma after selecting a word from the list, they are placed right up against the last word (like they should be). If you select a word from the list and add a question mark, or exclamation point, the space stays after the word and the mark is placed away from the word.

Skins are really nice. The default v5 skin looks really good, and some of the other skins really stand out (IMO - love the darker Back to the Future skin). It will be nice to see more skins come out for it (I'd love to see an all-black/dark skin).


Sep 27, 2010
Re: TouchPal_V5.0 release already, Swyer-killer support Themes no

How is this compared to Swype?

In Swype, you have to slide the complete word, and you?ll easily get lost with long words. Using the Predictive Sliding technology in TouchPal Curve, you may pause in the middle of a word to get prediction. You can slide only a very small part to finish a long word


Trusted Member
Dec 21, 2010
About the only bug I've seen in the latest version is that it sometimes duplicates parts of some words when it asks to save to dictionary. Just have to keep my eyes open before clicking to add anything. Haven't found a way to edit the dictionary.