Has anyone tried out Page Plus MVNO? They are the only MVNO that use Verizon cell towers, as far as I know. I am seriously considering moving to Page Plus and their $55 plan now that VZW has jacked up the grandfathered unlimited data rates. For $55 it is unlimited calling, unlimited text, and 5 gb of 4g data (with unlimited 2g data after that).
Has anyone tried Page Plus? I have two concerns:
1) Is Page Plus as good as Verizon in terms of coverage? It should, in theory, since it uses the same towers but some random internet sites have questioned whether Page Plus has access to all of VZW's towers or just some. I haven't been able to find a straight answer on that.
2) I believe that I will cease getting system updates to my Droid Turbo once I leave Verizon. Is there any way to sideload the Marshmallow update once it comes out? Is Marshmallow worth it? I currently run Nova Launcher and am more than content with it.
Thanks in advance for the thoughts!!
Has anyone tried Page Plus? I have two concerns:
1) Is Page Plus as good as Verizon in terms of coverage? It should, in theory, since it uses the same towers but some random internet sites have questioned whether Page Plus has access to all of VZW's towers or just some. I haven't been able to find a straight answer on that.
2) I believe that I will cease getting system updates to my Droid Turbo once I leave Verizon. Is there any way to sideload the Marshmallow update once it comes out? Is Marshmallow worth it? I currently run Nova Launcher and am more than content with it.
Thanks in advance for the thoughts!!