How can I turn off the Verizon radio, but keep Bluetooth and Wifi on? Airplane mode kills the wifi.
I want to turn off 2G/3G/Voice in areas where Wifi is available, but Verizon isn't. That might be in a vehicle or building where Verizon is n/a, or even on some aircraft where wifi is provided. When the Verizon signal is n/a, the phone will use a lot of power trying to find it.
I looked at Widgetsoid, that is a big tool for what I am looking for. The reviews are mixed from "wonderful" to "it doesn't work". I may try that, are there any alternatives? Seems odd that the Motorola-supplied widgets or Android settings menu allows you to turn on/off bluetooth, gps, wifi, but not WAAN?
I want to turn off 2G/3G/Voice in areas where Wifi is available, but Verizon isn't. That might be in a vehicle or building where Verizon is n/a, or even on some aircraft where wifi is provided. When the Verizon signal is n/a, the phone will use a lot of power trying to find it.
I looked at Widgetsoid, that is a big tool for what I am looking for. The reviews are mixed from "wonderful" to "it doesn't work". I may try that, are there any alternatives? Seems odd that the Motorola-supplied widgets or Android settings menu allows you to turn on/off bluetooth, gps, wifi, but not WAAN?
1) To get rid of both 2G and 3G then go to settings>wireless & networks>check airplane mode> check Wi-Fi mode. Done. Now you only have Wi-Fi. Works the same way for Bluetooth.
2) If you still want 2G on and only use Wi-Fi for Data then settings>Data Delivery>uncheck Background Data>uncheck data enable. Then back out twice to settings>wireless networks>check Wi-Fi. Done.
Or, go to the market and download some widgets, then just click the airplane widget before the Wi-Fi widget and your done.
All that works for me. Don't know why it works or why your allowed to do that being in airplane mode and all, but it works.