Tweet from VerizonWireless about Bolt (no new info though)


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Dec 29, 2010
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Just tweeted by @VerizonWireless:

@VerizonWireless: Bolt. Thunderbolt. Will tweet info the second we have info. No baloney, just truth - when it's true. (Love your enthusiasm for #LTE!)

I know it's not much, but at least they're acknowledging that the ThunderBolt exists! So that's something. :)
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Jan 30, 2011
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Just tweeted by @VerizonWireless:

I know it's not much, but at least they're acknowledging that the ThunderBolt exists! So that's something. :)

It's a bizarre message. Why post something that's useless like that? Can't announce a date it will be released? Cool. How about a date when we could expect more information?


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Feb 1, 2011
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I dont want to be a a-hole to VZW....ive been with them for some time and they have always been fair to me whilst i went thru 6-7 Storm and Storm 2s....if i wasnt happy with the product they ALWAYS got me a replacement! no matter what the issue.......but this is a little stupid. For them not to completely acknowledge us and give us FIRM info, delayed or not, is a little insulting. I HAVE put a down payment on the phone, regardless of the fact it is at BB as they are in CONTRACT with VZW, shat rolls up hill from here. I feel they are intentionally doing this because of I phlop as to not but communication of 4G out there to hurt sells, as i mentioned before. I will wait as long as it takes to get this phone but im not happy with the lack of candid info on the REAL issue and/or reason.

as little sloppy for a power Corp.


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Jan 4, 2011
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They're saying that because I keep hounding them with "Bolt" in my tweets, I think. LOL

I tweeted to them about 10 minutes before that.


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Jul 27, 2010
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It's much like their other tweet. I think all they're saying is that you should only believe what you hear directly from them, and anything else is heresay, rumor, etc., and definitely not official.


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Mar 17, 2010
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They are probably getting bombed with questions and comments about this phone and the way the release is being handled.

I can't help but notice how NO ONE is giving Verizon the benifit of the doubt that they want to get this phone right and there may be a glitch with it. Do they put out a product that doesn't work and take the heat, or not announce anything official at all until they get it right? We are victims of TOO MUCH information from too many sources who "know". The fact is, they haven't announced anything official, so no, we are not in fact getting hosed here. What we are getting is a release of a monster phone that will WORK on launch, not after a software update a month from now.


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Jan 28, 2011
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They are probably getting bombed with questions and comments about this phone and the way the release is being handled.

I can't help but notice how NO ONE is giving Verizon the benifit of the doubt that they want to get this phone right and there may be a glitch with it. Do they put out a product that doesn't work and take the heat, or not announce anything official at all until they get it right? We are victims of TOO MUCH information from too many sources who "know". The fact is, they haven't announced anything official, so no, we are not in fact getting hosed here. What we are getting is a release of a monster phone that will WORK on launch, not after a software update a month from now.

You maybe right and Verizon is the victim. They may or may not have leaked the info themselves to create buzz, I don't know. But public perception carries a lot of weight. There are many who are taking these rumors as fact, and when it doesn't come true they cast Verizon in a negative light. It would be in their best interest to come out and clear the air.

Look what happened with the i*hone 4 last summer (Antennagate). They at least came out in public and said this is what's going on. Verizon got rid of their NE2 & annual upgrades, & switched their return period to 14 days. I searched last night on their site for it and only found about the 14 day return on a brochure in the fine print. A CSR told me once that they let their customers know when their policy changes affect their customers. Where did you hear about those 3 changes I mentioned, from Verizon or from a tech blog?


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Nov 18, 2010
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They are probably getting bombed with questions and comments about this phone and the way the release is being handled.

I can't help but notice how NO ONE is giving Verizon the benifit of the doubt that they want to get this phone right and there may be a glitch with it. Do they put out a product that doesn't work and take the heat, or not announce anything official at all until they get it right? We are victims of TOO MUCH information from too many sources who "know". The fact is, they haven't announced anything official, so no, we are not in fact getting hosed here. What we are getting is a release of a monster phone that will WORK on launch, not after a software update a month from now.

This must be a new policy then. My Droid X was garbage when I got it. It was WORSE after they updated it. They switched me to a Fascinate... I couldn't get a GPS fix within a MILE, I had time to make a sandwich while I waited for my apps to open so I could put one on the home screen, and I'm going to stop there to keep from making this a novel. So, Yeah... if they had a record of releasing phones that worked right, I might buy this. Given their track record, I would be willing to buy a bridge in the desert first.


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2010
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They are probably getting bombed with questions and comments about this phone and the way the release is being handled.

I can't help but notice how NO ONE is giving Verizon the benifit of the doubt that they want to get this phone right and there may be a glitch with it. Do they put out a product that doesn't work and take the heat, or not announce anything official at all until they get it right? We are victims of TOO MUCH information from too many sources who "know". The fact is, they haven't announced anything official, so no, we are not in fact getting hosed here. What we are getting is a release of a monster phone that will WORK on launch, not after a software update a month from now.

I think all of the all of the Storm 1 owners should be more than understandable. Look what happened when they didn't wait to release that phone. I


Jan 11, 2011
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VZW put out Storm 1 garbage. The Tour wasn't much better and was plagued with hardware and software issues until it was finally just abandoned as EOL and replaced with the Bold. VZW released two OS updates for the Tour, one of which completely bricked Tours. You couldn't fix it, just replace.

So I don't see VZW as the victim here. They've put out crap phones hurriedly.


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Jan 20, 2011
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haha, where?, am i blind?

Not sure.. here is the text... their most recent tweet

VerizonWireless Verizon Wireless
Bolt. Thunderbolt. Will tweet info the second we have info. No baloney, just truth - when it's true. (Love your enthusiasm for #LTE!)

2 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

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