That's why I laugh when the US tries crap like this.It's not going to change anything when it comes to the average Joe. I am in Canada so it probably won't do anything to us.
Heck we can still download torrents of movies, mp3s and such legally as long as we don't sell or distribute them!
It's not going to change anything when it comes to the average Joe. I am in Canada so it probably won't do anything to us.
Heck we can still download torrents of movies, mp3s and such legally as long as we don't sell or distribute them!
Isn't that how it's supposed to be in the US?
Ha ha ha no, not even close. It's illegal to download, sell, distribute, etc. Any form of digital media in the USA. So pretty much if you are US Citizen and you download a torrent of a movie. You could go to jail! Hell, even if you download and MP3 you can get fined huge!