Upates (when they come out) who gets first?


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Nov 11, 2011
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I see that HTC M9 is available here in the US in the carrier version (AT&T for me), the unlocked, and the developer edition all at the same price.

From what I can find, it appears that the only difference between the unlocked and the developer edition is the boot loader is already unlocked on the developer edition. If that is wrong please let me know.

When HTC or Google do updates will the developer edition get them before the carrier version? Is it safe to presume that the unlocked and developer would get them at the same time?

Is there a reason with me being on AT&T that I shouldn't get the developer edition?

Thanks, and sorry if this has all been answered before but I will be new to HTC.


AC Moderator All-Star
Nov 25, 2010
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I see that HTC M9 is available here in the US in the carrier version (AT&T for me), the unlocked, and the developer edition all at the same price.

From what I can find, it appears that the only difference between the unlocked and the developer edition is the boot loader is already unlocked on the developer edition. If that is wrong please let me know.

When HTC or Google do updates will the developer edition get them before the carrier version? Is it safe to presume that the unlocked and developer would get them at the same time?

Is there a reason with me being on AT&T that I shouldn't get the developer edition?

Thanks, and sorry if this has all been answered before but I will be new to HTC.
I think a safe answer here is when Google has released the latest OS version/build it is then passed onward to the OEM's as well. So HTC, Samsung, etc receive it and presumably start work on quickly adapting it to their developer and unlocked versions since they are running almost pure vanilla it's quickly achieved. Then afterwards they start working on adapting the code to work with their branded variants of the same device w/ their own OEM specific UI, bloatware, etc...


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Jun 30, 2011
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I don't believe HTC or Samsung are making GPE devices this year, so all of HTC's phones will be running Sense, not vanilla Android. One would assume that the Unlocked and Developer editions would be the first to get updates, and probably at about the same time, as they're running essentially the same software, the Dev edition just has an unlocked boot loader. The carrier variants would probably receive updates a little later, since HTC will have to add the carrier specific changes, and then those phones will have to go through additional levels of carrier testing. The M9 will come with 5.0.2 out of the box, and I believe HTC has already made a statement that 5.1 isn't a big deal for M9 owners, since all of the new features it adds over 5.0.2 are things that Sense has supported for years, and they have included any necessary bug fixes into 5.0.2. So it wouldn't surprise me if HTC doesn't do many Android version changes until something "big" happens in a future Android build - probably an update to "M" a year from now. I'm sure there will be incremental updates, but I would expect those to be M9-specific updates, rather than Android version updates.

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Nov 21, 2013
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The unlocked one does not sure about the developer edition but I would assume it would.

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I had the Dev Edition M8, I always received updates before or as soon as Android Central was posting about it.

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