V60 Stays With Me


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2014
So I decided to finally upgrade to the Google Pixel 6Pro. Being a proud owner of several Nexus devices, I had always wanted to give the Pixel line a shot.

I've become a fan and had grown attached to the V series. I've owned the V20, V40, and now currently using the V60 Dual Screen. T-Mobile has a great upgrade plan as I'm also on JUMP, so trading up is relatively easy. But something occured to me, I don't want to trade in my V60...

So I decided to order the Pixel 6 Pro through Google (T-Mobile only sells the 128gb version. I ordered the 512gb) then I'll take the device to T-Mobile and have them do everything for me.

I'm going to keep my V60 Dual Screen as my backup/audio player. For some reason I don't want to give it up. I've had my device since launch and I've grown really attached to it.

Was I silly in keeping it? Should I have used my JUMP and gotten the $800 in trade in/bill credits and gotten the 128gb 6Pro?

Too late now but one thing is certain. I'll be looking forward to the Pixel experience while hanging on to my V60 Dual Screen. To me, I see it as a win-win.
With LG out of the market, I've recently been thinking about where to go next. I know I have zero interest in Google or Samsung phones, but there isn't much else out there of flagship quality. Thankfully my V60 is still running strong (though I don't bother with the dual screen) and isn't a decision I have to make yet. I can't blame you in the least for keeping yours.
Nah.... not only does it make sense I am bummed it even occurs to you it may be strange. In this day and age of people on these "exchange every year" type plans, I guess I could wrapped my brain around it a bit, but that only shows how little people value their devices. I am glad you have the connection with the V60. It is the last of the great audio option phones. It is worth keeping to enjoy that if for no other reason.
I was looking at the Pixel 6 pro over the weekend and then thought to my self, Why. My V60 is not giving me any problems and its meeting all my needs. So yup ill be keeping my V60 a while longer.

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