Verizon logo covers notification icons on Lollipop 5.0 locked screen


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Feb 6, 2015
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I updated my Samsung Galaxy S5 to Lollipop 5.0, and now when my screen is locked, the Verizon Wireless logo is in the upper left corner. I didn't mind it until I realized that I can no longer view any notification icons for texts, email, missed calls, etc. when my phone is locked. It's annoying to have to unlock my phone just to see if I have any notifications. Anyone else have this issue & know how to move the logo somewhere else on the locked screen?Screenshot_2015-02-06.jpg


Jun 8, 2012
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I think Verizon maybe thinks it's extraneous, because if you set up notifications on the lockscreen, you have them there in front of your face, rather than tiny icons on the notification bar... I thought it was weird as well, and that's the only reason I can think of...


Feb 6, 2015
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i'm just dissatisfied with the Lollipop update in general: 1Weather notification never was on my lockscreen on kitkat, just on my notification bar and dropdown menu but now it seams that every notification has to appear on your lockscreen, so now i have a constant 1weather notification which causes my lockscreen clock to shrink. and the stock samsung music app sucks too. on kitkat you could fast forward, rewind or drag the slider on a song and it was large on the lockscreen, now you can only do previous song/next/pause all on a smasll notification tab


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Feb 1, 2015
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For the lock screen notification, it is just the way lollipop do. To make notification appear in your lockscreen, go to sound and notification -> while locked -> show all content. All notification will go to your lock screen like in IOS.

Posted via the Android Central App


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Nov 23, 2014
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I agree. I would like to go back to kitkat. I get sent email notifications in my status bar and have not found a setting to shut that off. Also light manager does not this either.


Feb 6, 2015
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I agree. I would like to go back to kitkat. I get sent email notifications in my status bar and have not found a setting to shut that off. Also light manager does not this either.
If you're using the stock email app you can turn off notifications for each account.
Now the next question is how do we turn off the "heads up" notifications


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Aug 7, 2011
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FYI - if anyone is wondering how to turn them on (notifications on the lock screen)

Settings --> Sound and Notification --> scroll down to While locked, and select non, show all content, or hide sensitive content (or something like that). Those opptions are to show no notification, show all content (i.e. first couple lines of emails and texts and news), or show only content flagged as not sensitive by the app.

Agree that VZ probably put the logo there because notifications in the upper left of the lock screen are no longer needed since lollipop shifted them to the middle.


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Jul 21, 2012
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This is the one thing I dislike about Lollipop. If I wanted iOS type notifications on my lock screen, I'd get a freaking iPhone. So here's my concern - Yes, I can can go in the Sound systems and turn them all Off on the lock screen, but then I get nothing at all! Not even the icons that used to appear in the status bar. I used to be able to turn on my screen and at least quickly see if I had an email, text, missed phone call or anything else of interest just by looking at the status bar. Since my phone is required to have a pin unlock code (work device), I now have to completely unlock my phone just to see if there is something I need to be aware of.
So the only way around that now is to deal with the clutter in the middle of my lock screen. But if I have multiple notifications (more than 3), the only way to see them all is to swipe to dismiss some of them to make room, which then also dismisses them in the notification panel when the phone is unlocked. Good luck remembering to check that later if you are too busy at the moment - I have already forgotten some notifications that I swiped to dismiss just so I could see all the notifications on the lock screen. So once again to view what all of the notifications are, I still have to fully unlock my device using my pin so I can swipe down on the notification panel.
So how do I limit the amount of notifications on the lock screen to help alleviate this issue? Well I could go into the app setting and turn off notifications per app, but that doesn't impact just the lock screen. That disables all notifications for that app, which means I then won't even see it in the notification panel at all.
In my opinion, we have stepped back in time to when I had an early iPhone and I had to unlock the device every time just to see if someone had sent me something..... But still much worse off on lock screen notifications than the iPhone, which handles them much better. And that is something I thought I would never say... So disappointed with this part of Lollipop, but I love other aspects of it. I hope they work to improve this, as it's half-baked right now. Give me more flexibility to be able to turn off the lock screen notifications, but still see the icons in the panel at the top.


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Jun 15, 2011
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Yes. Instructions have been posted in various threads. Also a quick search will turn up other sites with instructions.


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Feb 17, 2015
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Thank you for the knowledge, but that is just dumb.

If I walk away from my phone, I don't want someone to be able to see and partially read what I am receiving. Hence, why we prefer it just showing us the symbol in the status bar.

Dumb move on their part. I'm actually very dissatisfied with this update.


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Feb 19, 2015
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Well said. You have captured my complete experience and concerns with 5.0. It frustrates me that people who try to answer this "real" concern do so by simply instructing you how to accept what the update forces on you (no notifications or clunky notifications). I'm not sure the issue with the (Verizon) overlay in the status bar (in lieu of notifications) is limited to Verizon or if other carriers do the same. Either way, you cannot convince me that the Lollipop update makes notifications better when all the issues you cited exist. I am hopeful that one of the immediate "fixes" will be to correct the notification screw up and permit notifications to sit in the status bar as they did prior to the update.


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Apr 14, 2014
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T Mobile just had the update and mine does the same. Now it just says TMoible in the upper left hand corner. I was hoping for a fix. I tried all and I do not like that. I don't want to wake up my phone and have those on there. So I took it off.

I don't like this part either. Sometimes I just need to see if I have a notification from a private account and I don't have time or want to wake my phone. :mad:


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Oct 23, 2014
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Lollipop showing notification content on a locked screen is definitely not doable.. it contradicts the purpose of having a locked phone. 4.4 got it right.

Bring back icons indicating a notice.

Old rocker on Tapatalk


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Mar 13, 2015
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Just upgraded last night to Lollipop using (T-Mobile)... No LED notifications... 'T-Mobile' took that place... I have read every post online and spent the better half of today messing with my phone to NO AVAIL! When Location is on, there's a box that constantly pops up on my lock screen that reads: Searching for GPS. I kind of like the new design and layout, but the LED notifications not lighting up anymore sucks! I did notice when I was driving and charging my phone, the blue LED notification light blinked when I received a new message, but when I unplugged my phone, no more notifications. This would be a fun update if they could get a fix for this.

Posted via Android Central App


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Mar 26, 2015
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I feel the same way. I would have like to have a choice which notification I want to see on my locked screen and and if I block other. That it doesn't get blocked up also on the notification panel.