I'll tell you what..I have had great experience with best buy black tie insurance for my phones...got a free (kind of) droid x from a broken Palm Pre and then I had to have the droid x replaced and they had me a new one in 48 hours...I think I might buy my nexus from Best Buy
I'll tell you what..I have had great experience with best buy black tie insurance for my phones...got a free (kind of) droid x from a broken Palm Pre and then I had to have the droid x replaced and they had me a new one in 48 hours...I think I might buy my nexus from Best Buy
I would prefer to buy it through best buy for the better insurance...
Does anybody know if you can still be grandfathered in to unlimited data for vzw and still go through best buy? or would I have to go through vzw to keep it?
Does anyone know if Best Buy honors a NE2 discount?
I am curious as to the price will be. I hope best buy isn't that much more, because I use them for trade in.