Videos are washed out in many apps such as Google Photos/Chrome


New member
Apr 18, 2022
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Hello all,

This has been an issue since I got the pixel 6 at launch. When playing videos, the shadows appear washed out. It appears to be some sort of gamma shift or HDR tone mapping issue. This happens when in google photos, chrome browser, imgur, even other apps. (youtube is fine).
I've confirmed in person this happens to other pixels one of which was pixel 6 pro.

The issue is recorded here:

I tried changing the color setup under display options in system settings, turning off H265 in camera settings, booting into safe mode, forcing 60hz refresh rate, but it still washes out the videos.
This does not happen with videos shot by other phones, for example my wife's iPhone shot video then sent it over to me and the gamma shift does not happen...

Strange thing is, in Chrome while playing the video, as soon as I swipe up from the bottom to open the recent apps, the video jumps back to normal as seen here:


I reported this to google, and their chat support to me to fully nuke my phone to factory....

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening, and could other Pixel 6 users verify it's happening on their devices as well ?
Thank you

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