I have a Samsung s4 and use a pioneer mixtrax AVH-X8850BT connected with andriod auto.
Firstly, I don't see all my contacts on the main screen just a few of them and wondered if anyone knew why? and secondly, when I ask to call someone via voice she responds "sure, but when it's safe, stop the car and disconnect the phone,then tap notification. why she saying this?
It has me very confused not sure what to do.
Anyone can help or ideas to make her call my contacts.
Firstly, I don't see all my contacts on the main screen just a few of them and wondered if anyone knew why? and secondly, when I ask to call someone via voice she responds "sure, but when it's safe, stop the car and disconnect the phone,then tap notification. why she saying this?
It has me very confused not sure what to do.
Anyone can help or ideas to make her call my contacts.