VZW shipping error, now what?


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2011
So after working with several tech support agents yesterday they agreed to send me a Razr Maxx to replace my failed Nexus. Before anyone es whines and moans about me jumping ship or giving up just before an update, they need to understand that I have a disabled son at home and I need a phone that works. I don't really care if its just the radios or software that causes it not to work.

So anyway today from fed ex I get 2 boxes that both contain a refurbed Nexus. I called Verizon and got a old of tech support again and discussed the issue with the agent. Here's the problem, they have no record of the second nexus being shipped to me. I gave them tracking and order numbers and even the mid off of both phones and was told that they were both refurbed phones which I already knew and that both were free and clear in their system.

So what am I supposed to do with this other phone? My Razr Max will be here tomorrow which they are expecting my original Nexus back for, and I also have to ship the other Nexus back.


Retired Moderator
Dec 28, 2011
So you were supposed to get a refurbed Nexus AND a Maxx? Or just a Maxx and they sent you 2 Nexii?


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2010
If it is truly lost in the system, if would make a good coffee table tablet. A good music player for kids (lullaby time), older kids can use it for games and music... Even if it is not setup as a phone, it is still a computer. I use my old device as pandora lullaby player for the babies so they dont have to listen to the same CD all the time anymore.

That is one of the nice things about old devices now. They are still great for other stuff. Not just a phone anymore :).


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2011
So you were supposed to get a refurbed Nexus AND a Maxx? Or just a Maxx and they sent you 2 Nexii?

I was just supposed to get a Max, the rep messed up the order andtold me he sent a Max and a Nexus. Instead I received 2 Nexi's. There is no record of the 2nd Nexus being shipped. I also spoke with a superviser since my original post and she stated either phone can be activated a d used. She also confirmed the shipping on my Max and it will be here tomorrow. At that time I have 5 days to return my original Nexus, and the one they sent me by mistake which she confirmed that meid number. The other phone she said they have no record of it being shipped so I can activate it if I want to....


Retired Moderator
Dec 28, 2011
I was just supposed to get a Max, the rep messed up the order andtold me he sent a Max and a Nexus. Instead I received 2 Nexi's. There is no record of the 2nd Nexus being shipped. I also spoke with a superviser since my original post and she stated either phone can be activated a d used. She also confirmed the shipping on my Max and it will be here tomorrow. At that time I have 5 days to return my original Nexus, and the one they sent me by mistake which she confirmed that meid number. The other phone she said they have no record of it being shipped so I can activate it if I want to....

If they're ceding ownership/possession to you, keep it. I'd probably want that noted in your file, though, just so you don't get docked the exceptionally high fee.

Also, the 5 days is somewhat exaggerated. As long as it's back within your payment period you're usually A-OK.


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2010
I would try each and see if the bug is there or not. Not all Nexi have the audio bug thing, and with a couple to test, you might as well.

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