what are the pros to ROOTING my htc evo shift?


Active member
Dec 29, 2010
someone please tell em what are the top pros of rooting my shift and some cons?

What can i do that i couldnt do stock?


Well-known member
May 18, 2010
pros would be removing sprint bloatware which frees up memory and saves battery life (less stuff uneccesarily running in the background), installing custom roms (change the way the phone looks/acts...new levels of customization), install custom kernels (overclocking/undervolting), complete backups of current roms or apps including app data (when using titanium backup), access to apps that are unavailable without root

cons would be....none really lol....as long as you follow directions very carefully that is....and there are ways to unroot and return back to factory settings so the risk is not very high (but again you must be careful to follow directions exactly)


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
The two reasons I did it were to remove Sprint's bloat and install wireless tether and not have to pay an additional fee for the data I already purchase.
Apr 26, 2010
The two reasons I did it were to remove Sprint's bloat and install wireless tether and not have to pay an additional fee for the data I already purchase.

Same here on the Incredible for me.

I don't care about custom roms, etc.
I wanted bloatware gone and wireless tether.


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2010
-You can use applications that require root access
-You have root access for hacking or modding your phone
-You can alter the file system as you see fit

-no security from applications doing or knowing too much
-risk of bricking the phone
-risk of ruining a file system

There are more but for the sake of this thread this list should suffice. Really I only recommend rooting for the following reasons:

-You need applications that require root access
-You need to have ultimate file access system wide
-You like to hack and toy around with a system

If none of these are what you want or need then rooting would only be for bragging or boasting. Personally I rooted my evo shift for a few apps and when I no longer needed them I did a factory restore and no longer have root access. It is purely something you need to determine from the usage requirements you have, but rooting just to root is a risk and not an advantage.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
I didn't think a factory reset lost root either, that is if you permanently rooted and not just a temp root by using Vision or z4root. I assumed you could just redownload superuser and you would be good to go. I thought you had to run the RUU to get unrooted from a permanent root. Maybe it does unroot you but you still have an unlocked bootloader so you wouldn't have to go through all the steps to perm root again?
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Dave Blake

Well-known member
May 7, 2010
Factory reset does not un root your Shift you have to run the Sprint RUU to un root.

I Rooted my EVO Shift for a lot of the reasons listed the cons listed are true as well. I think by rooting I have unlocked the true potential of my device and I have the freedom now to do what I want with it things like Over/Under clocking, theming, running custom ROMs and all the great apps like SetCPU that lets you slow down your CPU and save battery. There are benefits and drawbacks ether way. Bottom line... if you don't like it you can always put it back the way it was.
Apr 26, 2010
If screenshots, bloatware removal, wireless tethering and backups were available without rooting I wouldn't have done it.


Active member
Jan 28, 2011
i'm a noob to htc phones............could somebody explain how to use the sprint ruu or at least guide me to where i can find out?


Sep 25, 2010
I didn't like the rooting.

Right now. I can charge my phone before bed, and go to work..
Use it and not have to charge it till 12ish.. 1pm .. over 11 hours
of use. I have let the shift play music all night (with screen dimmed)
woke up and still had juice till about 11am ..

battery life is good.

bad thing about rooting that I didn't like....

all the glitches.

1.) pictures ...

Ok so you're in your gallery and say .."oh, look at these pics from last night"
You menu the picture you want to share and get the list (facebook, email, Message mms)

so you chose your message to mms the picture.. the picture didn't transport.. Grrr.. so in the message itself you pic "file" .. find the pic and then it loads in.. still it's BS!!!

2.) sms glitch

so you get a call from an unknown # ... you don't answer.
normally you hold down the number in your phone box and get a pop up that says "save number, send text to number, call number" .. right????

we'll I would chose "text number".. the number wouldn't transport.. GRRR!
what good is the rooting alot of my basic features are glitched.

It took forever too root and it was a pain in the ass. I'm not worried about hot spotting.. I'd rather have a full functioning phone.

the web browser is nice. (as is the evo)
no reason to carry a lap top or a tablet. I do all that at home.

My phone needs to function 100% or i'm breaking something

(not my phone LOL!)


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2010
I didn't think a factory reset lost root either, that is if you permanently rooted and not just a temp root by using Vision or z4root. I assumed you could just redownload superuser and you would be good to go. I thought you had to run the RUU to get unrooted from a permanent root. Maybe it does unroot you but you still have an unlocked bootloader so you wouldn't have to go through all the steps to perm root again?

Factory reset does not un root your Shift you have to run the Sprint RUU to un root.

I Rooted my EVO Shift for a lot of the reasons listed the cons listed are true as well. I think by rooting I have unlocked the true potential of my device and I have the freedom now to do what I want with it things like Over/Under clocking, theming, running custom ROMs and all the great apps like SetCPU that lets you slow down your CPU and save battery. There are benefits and drawbacks ether way. Bottom line... if you don't like it you can always put it back the way it was.

I did the perm root method and all I had to do was factory reset and I no longer have root access. Was hoping to still have root acccess but as soon as I got into terminal and typed su it said permission denied. Unfortunate, but still not that bad since I was going to unroot anyways.

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