What is the best free text app for wifi?


AC Question

best free text app for wifi?

I want to text my wife's iphone while she is in another country without using costly minutes from our plan. I have a Samsung S4 Active.


Retired Moderator
Feb 12, 2012
Re: best free text app for wifi?

I've only been at this since before texting was "a thing", and I haven't found a "best app" yet. Textra is nice. Messaging works. But for your problem? If she has access to wifi, try Skype. Text, video call, free app and free of charge use unless you're using mobile data. With wifi on each end, it's totally free.


Sep 13, 2012
Re: best free text app for wifi?

I want to text my wife's iphone while she is in another country without using costly minutes from our plan. I have a Samsung S4 Active.
I don't know if you have heard of this , but i've been using this for almost 6 yrs, its called Blackberry Messenger.
Its free and you can chat all over the world. You can use it over wifi or data plan.
Don't tell people this because Apple and Samsung don't want anyone to know about this app.
Your wife can get it at iTunes and you can get it at Google play store.
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