What I am hoping is that it is the 7" Tab replacement(maybe the 7.7 version for VZW?), but will be able to be hooked into a phone plan. The original euro version of the Galaxy Tab could actually work as a phone. I know a guy that uses one as his phone on T-Mobile and just does the BT headset thing for all calls. If not this maybe a VZW version of the Note?
Oh. Ok. I though we were referring to whatever this i815 version is specifically.
What confused me about P3's tweet is that I don't know why he would be excited about a smaller LTE tablet if'n that is all it was?? Kinda has me wondering if it's a middle ground device that can do phone calls. Whether that is a Tab 7.7 with phone or a VZW version of the Note. Maybe he just likes the smaller tablets though and this one has LTE and AMOLED?