Why am I unable to recreate accidental superscript in a hangouts sms message?


AC Question

unable to recreate accidental "superscript" in a hangouts sms message

While texting a friend, I typed the message: "like 4 years" and the 4 came out in the superscript format for no reason. All I did was hold down the 'r' key, and let go once a 4 showed up. I sent the message, and they read it as the 4 being superscripted. I tried to recreate this accident, but was unable to. Was this just a bug? I kinda want to send superscript format messages, because that would look cool.

I have a Nexus 5, and I was using the 'Hangouts' sms system.

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
Re: unable to recreate accidental "superscript" in a hangouts sms message

Welcome to Android Central! Using Google Keyboard, tap the ?123 button to bring up the symbols and number keyboard. Then long-press any of the numbers--it should change from a regular number to a superscript. Release the long-press, and you'll see it appear in your text.