I have been having battery issues and random shutdown issues. So you can imagine my joy when my phone automatically started updating to 6.0 without my approval and died half way through...
When I booted back up, it went through the "Android is optimizing App 1 of 149" or whatever... And powered off half way through again. But finally finished after I realized what it was doing and plugged it in. It finally came back to my lock screen.
Now in About Phone it says I'm still on 5.1.1 but when I check for updates it says I'm up to date.
Any idea W.T.F. happened??
Posted via the Android Central App
When I booted back up, it went through the "Android is optimizing App 1 of 149" or whatever... And powered off half way through again. But finally finished after I realized what it was doing and plugged it in. It finally came back to my lock screen.
Now in About Phone it says I'm still on 5.1.1 but when I check for updates it says I'm up to date.
Any idea W.T.F. happened??
Posted via the Android Central App