Battery drain google play service
Hi everyone,
i have moto x play since monday, and i have a big battery problem.
In fact, google play service drain my batterie. A the end of the day, i have 40% of battery with something like 20% of google play services in my battery stats.
I took this phone for the autonomy, it's really better than i had before, but google play services
is very anoying.
Any idea ?
Oh and sorry for my english, i'm french
Hi everyone,
i have moto x play since monday, and i have a big battery problem.
In fact, google play service drain my batterie. A the end of the day, i have 40% of battery with something like 20% of google play services in my battery stats.
I took this phone for the autonomy, it's really better than i had before, but google play services
is very anoying.
Any idea ?
Oh and sorry for my english, i'm french