Newer phones have it. How come the TB doesn't?
Here is my question I got root now how do I overclock I can't find an overclock app anywhere
Just how easy do you need it to be?
- Mark
you need an overclockable kernel. Currently only available for Froyo ROMs. The only Gingerbread OverClockable kernels are for AOSP ROMs like CM7 and OMFGB,
I'm not a fan of overclocking... nor hijacking someone's thread... but I do believe BAMF Forever has overclocking capabilities in it's BAMF Settings app, which is a Gingerbread ROM.
Didn't realize a new Kernel was in latest build.... Thanks but its still just stock speeds..
I'm good with stock but this is nice to know... Thanks
Speaking of which, here's the link to the easiest root.
Sorry, saw today that IMoseyOn made a kernel for GB Sense that worked with 2.11 GB Leak ROMs. My bad. I've been rocking CM7 for the past couple of weeks. Couldn't be happier. Going to try out some themes this week.