Not all reviews are great. Even google admits they have problems with the phone, thus the second update of December and that appears to be have been screwed up. Plenty of bad reviews out there by actual users.
However, in my case, google TWICE screwed up my orders (kept pushing the deliver data back and back) so I gave up and went with an S21...that was returned since it could not load on the latest OS and even after taking over the phone remotely, Samsung Tech could do nothing but tell me best option is to return the phone for an exchange, I went with a refund. So not just Pixels have a problem with certain phones.
Many appear not to have problems, many appear to have problems, prefer to think all are telling the truth who make statements. However, a lot of the reviews out there were early on, and were just a review of the features of the phone. The actual real life reviews by actual customers who own and use the phone are what I have been looking at. There appears to be more favorable vs non-favorable; that's a good thing.
However, I'm sitting here and waiting to see if Google fixes these problems; primarily the mobile service problems. I don't live in a strong area where there are thousands of cell phone towers, I live in an area that two months ago HAD NO SERVICE. Now I can pull off two towers. I do not want a weak modem I need a strong modem.
Too many questions in regard to the Samsung Exynos 5123 modem on the Pixels vs. the known USA used modems on all other USA brands. (Google is the only company that has used the Exynos 5123 modem on a phone marketed for use in the USA.)
If it appears google gets this reception problem fixed, I might go with a Pixel in March...
I ACTUALLY PREFER TO REMAIN WITH PIXEL. Otherwise I would not be over here viewing this forum. I like the looks, the feel (from the time I got to fondle one at Verizon), and even after having a Samsung for two days, I prefer the UI of the Pixel. HOWEVER, I NEED GOOD RECEPTION...PERIOD. And just too many complaints.
I guess one thing is lacking is those with reception problems is where the problems are related to with location. Are they out in the boonies like I am? Living in a big city like Atlanta does nothing for me, in regard to reception.
I currently have a 4XL, that shows an RSSI or -112 to -118 dBms. I can make calls, I can receive calls, but I need a phone with a modem as good as or better than I have now. The S21 was pulling in -45 to -65 dBm readings from the same location in my house. Considerable difference. Newer tech...yes. However, the X60 modem on the S21 is better tech than the S5123 on the pixel.
I'll continue to read all reviews, I'll continue to wait and see. I'm also waiting to see more about the S22 but again, I do prefer to get a Pixel.
Time will tell; however, there are bad "customer" reviews out there on the Pixel 6 phones, even on this site there are some. But hate to state it, this is not the only site.