Why is everyone dissing the pixel 6/6pro?


New member
Dec 28, 2021
I upgraded from a fold 3 to the pixel 6 and love it and have no regrets in the upgrade the pixel is so fast and snappy not like my fold (which I did like) I havnt had any issues with my pixel either, my last pixel 4xl had no issues either.

Why is everyone hating on the pixel?
All the reviews and YouTube reviewers love it as well as me


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2012
My 6 pro has been nothing but exceptional. I haven't received the December update yet.


Super Moderator
Feb 6, 2017
I think its a great device , maybe some had different expectations or the bugs with Andriod 12 which i havnt really expirenced. Im sure others will chime in and explain.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Coming from Samsung S20 FE, the 6 really doesn't offer much more for being flagship and a year newer technology. The one thing that really falls short, and I'd say sucks, is the fingerprint reader. And why no facial recognition is just unexcusable.


Trusted Member
Apr 12, 2012
I've had my Pixel 6 Pro for a month. After reading many of the posts on the forum I was expecting problems. I've had no problems. My Pixel 6 Pro has been a great experience.

There have been numerous complaints about the fingerprint reader. For me, the fingerprint reader has been exceptionally reliable. It has never failed to work.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2013
Honestly, thankfully I haven't seen any issues from my end love my phone. Love the photos, the battery is great once I disable the 5g. The finger scanner is a hit and miss can't expect much, to be honest.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2009
Something's I dislike about the pixel 6/pro.

Software is buggy, fpr is bad, battery life is not great and the camera is probably the worst out of any camera phone ( very sub par image quality, no manual settings which I've mentioned, night mode is not that great) I am also getting weird vertical lines at times when I open the camera app like if a magnet was passing over or under the phone.


Trusted Member
Apr 12, 2012
Something's I dislike about the pixel 6/pro.

Software is buggy, fpr is bad, battery life is not great and the camera is probably the worst out of any camera phone ( very sub par image quality, no manual settings which I've mentioned, night mode is not that great) I am also getting weird vertical lines at times when I open the camera app like if a magnet was passing over or under the phone.

Are you referring to a Pixel 6 Pro?


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
Not all reviews are great. Even google admits they have problems with the phone, thus the second update of December and that appears to be have been screwed up. Plenty of bad reviews out there by actual users.

However, in my case, google TWICE screwed up my orders (kept pushing the deliver data back and back) so I gave up and went with an S21...that was returned since it could not load on the latest OS and even after taking over the phone remotely, Samsung Tech could do nothing but tell me best option is to return the phone for an exchange, I went with a refund. So not just Pixels have a problem with certain phones.

Many appear not to have problems, many appear to have problems, prefer to think all are telling the truth who make statements. However, a lot of the reviews out there were early on, and were just a review of the features of the phone. The actual real life reviews by actual customers who own and use the phone are what I have been looking at. There appears to be more favorable vs non-favorable; that's a good thing.

However, I'm sitting here and waiting to see if Google fixes these problems; primarily the mobile service problems. I don't live in a strong area where there are thousands of cell phone towers, I live in an area that two months ago HAD NO SERVICE. Now I can pull off two towers. I do not want a weak modem I need a strong modem.

Too many questions in regard to the Samsung Exynos 5123 modem on the Pixels vs. the known USA used modems on all other USA brands. (Google is the only company that has used the Exynos 5123 modem on a phone marketed for use in the USA.)

If it appears google gets this reception problem fixed, I might go with a Pixel in March...

I ACTUALLY PREFER TO REMAIN WITH PIXEL. Otherwise I would not be over here viewing this forum. I like the looks, the feel (from the time I got to fondle one at Verizon), and even after having a Samsung for two days, I prefer the UI of the Pixel. HOWEVER, I NEED GOOD RECEPTION...PERIOD. And just too many complaints.

I guess one thing is lacking is those with reception problems is where the problems are related to with location. Are they out in the boonies like I am? Living in a big city like Atlanta does nothing for me, in regard to reception.

I currently have a 4XL, that shows an RSSI or -112 to -118 dBms. I can make calls, I can receive calls, but I need a phone with a modem as good as or better than I have now. The S21 was pulling in -45 to -65 dBm readings from the same location in my house. Considerable difference. Newer tech...yes. However, the X60 modem on the S21 is better tech than the S5123 on the pixel.

I'll continue to read all reviews, I'll continue to wait and see. I'm also waiting to see more about the S22 but again, I do prefer to get a Pixel.

Time will tell; however, there are bad "customer" reviews out there on the Pixel 6 phones, even on this site there are some. But hate to state it, this is not the only site.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2013

It's not worth the £850 flagship tier price. In my opinion.

As usual , a couple of caveats there - it's the cheapest flagship I have bought this year ( S21U , Mi11U , X3Pro , iPhone 13 ) by quite a bit. But it's still in the choose anything category. If you can pay £850 , you can probably pay £1100.
And as always not everyone has the same issues

I still have signal problems and bugs which is not acceptable in a device at this cost.
The battery, screen, sound and charging are all behind devices launched at the beginning of the year.

It seems to follow the usual Google M.O. - mediocre hardware with problems, dull software with a great camera.

No one should ever buy and / or keep a device with the hopes or promises that it will be fixed in the future.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2011
Even with the carrier settings update I'm still have connectivity issues. Albeit not as many connectivity issues as before, but it does still randomly happen. Android 12 is beyond buggy which is surprising giving how long they've been developing Android at this point. Pixel 6 pro is a great phone, but not one I will using when the next hot phone is released.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2013
Even with the carrier settings update I'm still have connectivity issues. Albeit not as many connectivity issues as before, but it does still randomly happen. Android 12 is beyond buggy which is surprising giving how long they've been developing Android at this point. Pixel 6 pro is a great phone, but not one I will using when the next hot phone is released.
Roll on the S22U , M12U , X4Pro et al.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2012
The main reason for me is that I think we should expect more from Google.

The device was over-hyped and it undelivered. LOTS of issues, Google being disingenuous, mid-tier hardware that people insist on pretending is premium...

Even the main selling points didn't hit the mark. You apparently get a better camera in the 5 and 5a, and Google are embarrassing themselves with the update situation.

And it's all made worse by the "Emperor's New Clothes" crowd making excuses for them... They're a 2 TRILLION dollar company who've been making pixels for 6 years now, and Nexus phones for 5 before that! We should NOT be giving them a pass on basic stuff anymore.

/Rant lol.

Thank you sincerely for allowing me to vent and still stay on topic, I genuinely appreciate it.


Well-known member
May 5, 2011
For me, the P6P has crapped the bed!

I'd rather wait longer for security & firmware updates and have a full experience (premium hardware & software) than deal with this embarrassment to paperweights everywhere.

The tipping point for me is all of the call drops. The most basic function a phone does and it cannot even do that. What if I'm trying to call 911 while everyone around me is being killed or something and it drops the call? It should be illegal for these manufacturers to rush incomplete devices to market.

I'm glad most of you are enjoying your devices. I really wanted to enjoy it also. I'm done making excuses for it. Gonna return it as defective. I shouldn't have to sideload updates for it to work as advertised. Peace!

End of rant


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2016
My single gripe is this months update situation. Otherwise, I've had my 6pro for about a month and am enjoying it.


Well-known member
Jun 24, 2011
Google deserves all the criticism. I have a 6pro and I have been using their phones since the Galaxy Nexus, and this is BY FAR the worst launched Google phone. My 2 year old 4XL is smoother than my 6pro. That's pathetic.

Like many have mentioned earlier, this phone was HYPED up! This is THE Google experience, flagship specs, tons of advertisements, apparently they are the phone of the NBA now, and this is best they can deliver? They can't even release a monthly update via OTA without bricking cellular radios for some people. That's inexcusable, especially from a 2 trillion dollar company, with their knowledge, and background. This is their phone, their design, their software, their chip, yet they can't get out an update?!

They don't deserve a pass, we as consumers should not be waiting on Google to fix this phone to perform even the most basic functions without bugs. Maybe they should QA the devices more than like a week?! I expect more when I'm putting down 1k for a phone. This whole experience has been underwhelming and aggravating at best.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2011
Long-term Nexus/Pixel user. My Pixel 6 has many little things that make the phone annoying to use. I get frequent connectivity issues. The fingerprint reader is temperamental, the keyboard/autocorrect is inaccurate compared to my previous Pixel. I have to reboot frequently to reset Translate when it stops working. And the December update (and Google's opaqueness about what's happening) is troubling after having to sideload November's update.

The phone works, but it has many little annoyances that take away from my pleasure of using it. It is like a shoe with little pebble in it. You can walk, but it isn't comfortable.

Fingers crossed that there is a January update that fixes all this.


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2014
It's obvious to me and many others on the Google Support Forum, other Android sites and here that the problem with this phone is a combo of the weak modem and lackluster software. Having had the phone for two months, EVERY place where I've visited, the cell reception is MUCH WEAKER than on my previous phones and even on my GF's iPhone 11 Pro. The Mobile Network Standby and Idle drains are horrendous, 5G and other features continue to be disabled. GOOGLE ADVANCED SUPPORT has personally traded with me two dozen emails and they REFUSE to admit any problems with these devices. The modems need to be changed to A BETTER ALTERNATIVE and the underlying firmware needs to address the issues. If Google can't or won't do this, then they need to step up and do a recall of those who want their money back. This is my first Pixel after being on Android since the beginning and I went in full line and sinker... and this phone, while working, is handicapped big time. Yes, there are those who have no problems. However, there are MANY from all over who say the same, documented thing... THIS PHONE IS A HANDICAPPED pseudo flagship! Anyone who has asked me about the phone, I've told them to... STAY AWAY! Finally, this is a cell phone for me, not a replacement for a land line to be used only at home on Wifi. Good reception and decent battery life are very important. To have a 5000 capacity battery delivering the pittance of what it should be getting, is a GOOGLE EMBARRASSMENT. Caveat Emptor.

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