Will Google/Samsung continue to support the Galaxy Nexus post ban


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2012
I've seen a lot of threads speaking of the ban, but I haven't seen conversations about future support for the phone.

If the GNexus were to be "perma-banned", will Google still be able to push updates, such as Jelly Bean? Will any of us see future issues with warranty?

It looks like the ban is on sales, not the existence of the phone; so maybe this is a silly question. But felt there was no harm in asking.
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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2012
Re: Will Google/Samsung continue to support the Galaxy Nexus post

I read this before I even posted. In fact, it was what made me concerned. From how I understood the article, the writer believes this will all blow over eventually. But it is not a definitely thing. Many in the comments area there also seem to think the opposite of the writer.


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2011
Re: Will Google/Samsung continue to support the Galaxy Nexus post

You're being a little paranoid. Google will not abandon the ONLY phone it sells, and the phone it just gave to all the devs who spent lots of $$ to attend Google I/O.

And hopefully Apple will get put in its place over these patents.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2010
Re: Will Google/Samsung continue to support the Galaxy Nexus post

Look, the issues are around software processes not the hardware. Software can be removed/modified/updated. And then applied to future updates. Google is not abandoning Android, nor by extension, their Nexus Phones. We will still get JB. May be delayed a bit.

[Of course, since we're not given a date, how much it will be delayed is highly debatable! lol]
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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2012
Re: Will Google/Samsung continue to support the Galaxy Nexus post

You're being a little paranoid.

Man, if i had a nickel for every time I heard that...

Sorry. This is the first time I actually paid a large amount for a new phone. Plus I jumped from BlackBerry to Android after many years. So when the phone I choose gets banned roughly 7 hours after purchase, an Android newbie such as myself can't help but raise an eye brow.

Thanks for the reassurance though. Puts the mind at ease a little.


Well-known member
May 17, 2012
You will hear this a lot for new phones and in this occasion an older phone because of apple. I just hope apple goes broke for suing

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 4g LTE using Tapatalk 2


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2010
Re: Will Google/Samsung continue to support the Galaxy Nexus post

Man, if i had a nickel for every time I heard that...

Sorry. This is the first time I actually paid a large amount for a new phone. Plus I jumped from BlackBerry to Android after many years. So when the phone I choose gets banned roughly 7 hours after purchase, an Android newbie such as myself can't help but raise an eye brow.

Thanks for the reassurance though. Puts the mind at ease a little.

Its simply a ban on sales. No one is going to collect these phones if you already own one. This is a device in the hands of lots of devs and Google is not done with Android. It will be fully supported even if for some reason this ban stays in full effect for the next 2 years. Which I highly doubt it will.

Obviously no one knows the real future since Google hasn't personally addressed this so we are all mostly guessing. But Google is now started to patent some of their ideas(Like the pull down window)so its clear they are gearing up for somewhat of a fight.

They should have been smarter to begin with and thought ahead. Hopefully whoever came into a meeting and said it would be cheaper to pay out royalties and fight in court then it would be to patent this stuff is now fired.

You will hear this a lot for new phones and in this occasion an older phone because of apple. I just hope apple goes broke for suing

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 4g LTE using Tapatalk 2

Would be nice but they could afford to sue everyone on the planet and still have money left over. Its a sad truth.


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2011
Re: Will Google/Samsung continue to support the Galaxy Nexus post

Man, if i had a nickle for every time I heard that...

Sorry. This is the first time I actually paid a large amount for a new phone. Plus I jumped from BlackBerry to Android after many years. So when the phone I choose gets banned roughly 7 hours after purchase, an Android newbie such as myself can't help but raise an eye brow.

Thanks for the reassurance though. Puts the mind at ease a little.

I get it, and can definitely appreciate your uncertainty.... I guarantee there are many Google and Samsung attorneys that are very unsure right now, as well, lol.

Sit back, enjoy your Nexus soon to be with Jelly Bean, and watch the show. This is the beginning of the first tech litigation to rival the GUI suit Apple lost against MS in the 80s.