Just picked one up from best buy and it really does work! The touch isa bit ofa squeeze getting it to slide in. averaging at least 2 bars better everywhere, about -20 dBm improvement!
I can't use an Airrave at work because of the security proxies. No need though, Im getting 1.4mb download and 453k upload 139ms with -94 dBM with the Wilson! were i was getting 439k download 347k upload 164ms before -106 dBm and dropped signal. Only downside is it added bulk but It really doesnt matter because I really just need the great dl speeds at work to tether. Theres also a valley I have drive through on the way home and I do not lose a signal through it anymore, EVen my EVo and the Photon would drop signal through that spot.
Sprint still is giving out free Airaves and free AIrave service if you follow the steps in this thread:Sprint was giving out free Airaves & it's service to people at one point because of terrible in home coverage. Not sure if they still are or not but u could give them a try....
Look it up at best buy it was $99. There'sa bunch of you tube videos as well. Think radio shack had it for 89.
Shouldn't Have to use a signal booster to get a good reception let alone pay $100 got one
If you are getting 1-2 bars at home call Sprint and get a free Airave with no monthly fee. Here's how:might have to try this, i have 1-2 bars at home. I'll post my story when i do!