X10 Flop or Not?

Flop or Success

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Oct 24, 2008
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Some of the previous Sony devices have looked nice only to be duds. Namely their Windows Mobile devices. Just curious what some of you think about this upcoming device. Based on their previous pricing points and lack of carriers here in the US I'm thinking not much will change with this device. Flop.

Share your thoughts here.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2009
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Looking at what it is so far, I'd say flop but then again you never know. Besides my decision making about phones has been skewed by the n1


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Nov 11, 2009
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Gonna be a very nice phone, but it will have two failing points:

1. Price - who will pay that much? Not many.

2. UI + Future upgrades - SE is very bad at making timely upgrades, and their Rachael UI is very slick, but very intensive. Submit yourself to being at least 3 updates behind at all times.

UI also has potential to not be ironed out enough and laggy interface on a piece of hardware that expensive = no thanks.


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Nov 4, 2009
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first of all, great to see SE x10 forum is finally set up.

reasons for flop :

no doubt its launch date is too late, man, how long did you see SE devices finally cone out after announce date ? 3 months for the X1. too many powers are coming out even before the X 10.

rumored with Android 1.6 ? no way man, if so, come on SE you're left years behind at this point. 65,000 colors ? wow, i know it's because of the 1.6 os, it would be a huge waste of the 4.0 screen and its beautiful look as well.

price tag ? around $800 ? wow, wow , wow. never thought of ditching current contract and switching to this one.

so, SE please do something let us poor people enjoy your power.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2009
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I have to admit it looks really nice and the UI looks like it could be cool.. but as mentioned above Price, launch date, and SE (i am not a fan of sony at all really).

The device does look pretty cool though... and spec wise its awesome

Jerry Hildenbrand

Space Cowboy
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Oct 11, 2009
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I held back any guesses the first time around on this. Now I just can't be optimistic any longer.

It's gonna flop. By the time it finally comes out for sale the market for a high end Android handset will already be filled - once again by Google. N1 with timely bugfixes and updates as soon as they leave Mountain View, or the X10 with SE's track record of waiting forever even to find out exactly how long you have to wait for software changes.

The UI on the x10 is absolutely incredible. But not enough to guarantee the handset's success.


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Mar 19, 2010
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I'm partial to SE. I've been using their phones for the last six years and love them. Before that I had an Ericsson phone. So of course I'm saying the X10 will be a success, once the phone comes to AT&T for $199 or less...

The phones has specs just like every other "kick-ass" Android phone. But I think the UI looks nicer. We'll see how it works in person. If it's not up to snuff, I'll get an HTC Desire.
Mar 29, 2010
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I don't know about the criticisms here, after all, the Xperia X10 does look pretty impressive...

Furthermore, I've never used an Android-powered device (I'll likely be switching to one in the near-future, from my Research in Motion BlackBerry Bold 9000), but most Android sites and most people that HAVE used an Android-powered device seems to agree that the Xperia X10 is one of the FEW Android-powered devices that REALLY "stands-out" (some have even gone as far as putting it into the "elite" or "premium" category, alongside some of HTC's devices...)!

My only real concern with the Xperia X10 (the most likely device I'll get if I switch to Android) is with regards to the keyboard - a few "key" Web sites raised concerns that the keyboard was sometimes not entering a key in the text field (despite recognizing it on-screen) and reluctantly considering touch-based input for my next device, this is a pretty big issue...

If this is just the result of software issues as Sony Ericsson and "key" Web sites claim however, I think the Xperia X10 will do well, provided it's available on enough networks and there is sufficient advertising behind it!


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
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They will need to advertise this device more. The other Android devices are getting a lot more publicity than the Xperia. It will also need a s carrier to subsidize it. If you have a choice between the Dell Mini, EVO 4G, Nexus One, Desire, or Incredible, would you buy this device? Probably not.


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Apr 26, 2010
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I've had my Xperia for over 2 weeks now and I love it. I got it free on my ?35 per month contract with Orange in the UK.
I compared it with the HTC Desire in the store. They're about the same size but the Xperia has a bigger screen (Although its not quite as vivid as its a AMOLED on the Desire and TFT on the Xperia). It seems very stable and runs alot of apps that others report don't work on their phones (Droids etc).
It syncs automatically with a Google account (Mail, Calender, Checkout etc). It updates email as well as Facebook and Twitter and displays it all together in Timescape, very cool.
The Voice Dialler app is rubbish, but fortunately it has Voice Search as well which is much better.
It does look the nuts and despite its size doesn't feel too bulky in my pocket as its very thin.
The 1500mAh battery lasts about a day with average use, not surprising considering the size of the screen.
Very occasionally it will miss a typed character as mentioned by Cadillac Cowboy, but this is not enough to be annoying. Generally the typing is pretty easy, even in portrait mode where the keys are quite small.

I'm really happy with it and would recommend it to anyone considering a Nokia 900 or HTC phone.


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Apr 18, 2010
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My only gripe is the battery.. i use a task manager to keep some of it under manners however it still eats battery when doing nothing but sitting in my pocket... But that raging thunder 2 game is the nuts on this phone!


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May 18, 2010
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I really wanted this phone at first. I'm a big fan of SE and really wanted this phone to be great - and it will be - after the upgrade to 2.2 which isn't going to happen until October at the earliest. If the phone had the 2.2 specs now, I would get it without hesitation, but to have to wait so long for the upgrade doesn't seem worth it. Also, I have read too many reviews which speak of lagging and hesitation in the UI. This level of smartphone should be bug-free really.

This is only SE's first attempt at an android phone, so perhaps with a little experience under their belts (and if they improve when it comes to keeping up with the latest OS software) we could see some excellent phones from them in the future.


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Jun 14, 2010
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I will have to agree with Jazzninja on this one. I have had mine for about a week and have had absolutely no problems with it.

Its a really cool handset but is def on the more luxurious side of the market.
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New member
Aug 27, 2010
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2.1/2.2 will drag it from flop to success. I have one and I love it so far...even if it is only 1.6 OS. 8.1MP camera, 1GHZ processor, I don't care about multitouch right now but it should be addressed. They need to hurry TFU and release 2.1 if they want to make any sort of impression. Mediascape should be a option, not really my cup of tea.