If so many people like the Incredible then why this...?


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Nov 7, 2009
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My friend is a beta tester for Verizon, and this phone has been tested since January of this year! He told me way back then the phone was buggy, and guess what it still is. I am a firm believer in second chances. However after the Nexus fiasco, I would seriously think HTC would want to deliver as good as a product as it can. And what really gets me is that neither Google nor HTC admit there is a problem with the 3G on the Nexus. Will they do the same to use with the incredible issues, Verizon already has! When I called up, they said I'm the first one to say there was a signal issue and to exchange it. Mean while when I called the store and spoke to the Manager I know, he said he gets a ton of phonecalls a day with people asking if they have stock, and will they do an exchange. I hope a fix is in the air, cause Android is awesome in alot of ways.

The percentage of people with these problems is in actuallity VERY low! I read only about 8% of folks post reports on there phone! HTC released a very SOLID device! I have NONE of the problems you have listed, and I use my phone nonstop for work! I have gone through several full to empty charge cycles, and my battery life is almost as good as my Moto-Droid. Reboots on any Android phone 9 times outa 10 can be linked to some poorlly written app that has been installed. Thats not the phone's fault. This is a very good device! If you are in the 8% I don't know what to tell you! There will ALWAYS be that small part of the masses that will bi1ch about anything no matter what!


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May 3, 2010
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The percentage of people with these problems is in actuallity VERY low! I read only about 8% of folks post reports on there phone! HTC released a very SOLID device! I have NONE of the problems you have listed, and I use my phone nonstop for work! I have gone through several full to empty charge cycles, and my battery life is almost as good as my Moto-Droid. Reboots on any Android phone 9 times outa 10 can be linked to some poorlly written app that has been installed. Thats not the phone's fault. This is a very good device! If you are in the 8% I don't know what to tell you! There will ALWAYS be that small part of the masses that will bi1ch about anything no matter what!

Good for you that you have no problems, I wouldn't call it bitching first of all. And these percentages are BS, the phone as a whole does fit the bill as a super phone, but all these problems exist, and in more then a just a few phones. If u call not being able to have a clear phone call bitching, or having your phone reboot when I have absolutely nothing that didn't come with the phone installed, or putting a screen protector on and seeing a good deal of dust under the screen bitching. No I call that poor build quality, or a PROBLEM! Honestly I would just take it back for an exchange, however there nowhere to be found. And the word is that they won't be in stock for 2/3 weeks. That sounds pretty weird, just in time to be past everyone's 30 day window. Believe me, I would like nothing more then a problem free device, and not have any negative posts about about a phone that I do happen to like.


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May 11, 2010
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I don't think looking at the overall review score is a good indicator for technology products or anything else. I think you have to read a lot of individual reviews and see what people say they like or don't like. Remember that Spore (I think) fiasco when people flocked to Amazon to give it one star because of the DRM? If the DRM is not a problem for you, you can ignore all of those reviews. You need to know what people are evaluating and how much it weighed in their decision.

I'm hoping my Incredible arrives in the mail today :)
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Apr 26, 2010
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Things to consider

The ratings on that website is based on 40 reviews (at the time of this posting). That is why the score changes so much every time you visit it. I think it is safe to say that a sample of 40 people is not a good representation when compared to the actual owners.

The #1 complaint is battery life.
Solutions: Understand your phone and control the battery consumption and/or buy a second battery.

#2 Signal strength
I can't comment because it is not an issue with my phone. My wife's BB Tour and my HTC Incredible shows the same signal strenth and call quality and we live out in the country.

#3 Screen readability.
From reading other reviews and blog sites, the difference in screen brightness under direct sunlight between the HTC and Moto are negligible. They both are less than ideal. Just angle the phone should improve readability. Besides, the benefits of the phone far out weigh this problem.


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Apr 26, 2010
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i am not happy.... battery SUCKS.....volume rocker is on the wrong side......4 hours to charge..... vzw has verified i am at a 90% drop call ratio.....they want to send a replacement but there back ordered....we want back and checked i only had 7% drop call ratio on my moto droid...

How can the volume rocker be on the wrong side? I can access it with either my thumb (left handed hold) or index finger (right handed hold). Just curious and :confused:


Grand Master Moosc
Oct 20, 2009
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With it mounted in the cradle the rocker switch will be at the bottom not top.
How can the volume rocker be on the wrong side? I can access it with either my thumb (left handed hold) or index finger (right handed hold). Just curious and :confused:


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Apr 26, 2010
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With it mounted in the cradle the rocker switch will be at the bottom not top.

Thanks for clarifying that. I wasn't including the cradle in that argument. I hope the dock manufacturers will take that into account and put a volume button on the dock itself or create a dock for portrait mode only so it doesn't block the rocker.

Roy Aguilera

i am not happy.... battery SUCKS.....volume rocker is on the wrong side......4 hours to charge..... vzw has verified i am at a 90% drop call ratio.....they want to send a replacement but there back ordered....we want back and checked i only had 7% drop call ratio on my moto droid...
LOL, I still try to bring the volume up/down as if it were the Droid. Same Goes for the power button.

How can the volume rocker be on the wrong side? I can access it with either my thumb (left handed hold) or index finger (right handed hold). Just curious and :confused:
It should be on the right. We righties out number the few lefties in the world.

With it mounted in the cradle the rocker switch will be at the bottom not top.

Guess that means the cradle will be a portrait one. That sucks.
Never even though about it till now.


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Apr 27, 2010
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How can the volume rocker be on the wrong side? I can access it with either my thumb (left handed hold) or index finger (right handed hold). Just curious and :confused:

I wouldn't say the volume rocker is on the "wrong" side, but there are a couple of points that I can bring up as to why it could've been placed elsewhere...

For most right-handed individuals (including myself), it's more natural to manipulate those buttons with your thumb. Also, if a landscape-style charging dock is ever introduced, the volume buttons would become inaccessible since the micro USB port is on the same side as those buttons. Maybe this design cue was influenced by the iPhone's placement, but it's not too practical IMO.


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Feb 8, 2010
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HTC Droid Incredible Reviews (Phone Scoop)

I hear people from all over the web praising this phone from site to site. Yet and still once I visit this site every other day if not daily I see the review score going down even more.

This question is the easiest to answer. Bottom line is that there are a ton of folks out there that want this phone to fail so they can justify keeping what they use now. Many of them are disgruntled BB users who can't admit that the Incredible is simply Incredible. Many do not have upgrades so they harp on the phone to make them feel better because they are stuck with something less. Just do what I do, ignore the reviews like Phonescoop or anywhere else. At the end of the day, the Incredible has proven itself across the board with all the reviews that count.


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Apr 29, 2010
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All of you people forgot to mention the fact you can't use hands free dialing with a blue tooth. The Indredible can do everything but that. Give me a break!


Grand Master Moosc
Oct 20, 2009
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LOL, I still try to bring the volume up/down as if it were the Droid. Same Goes for the power button.

It should be on the right. We righties out number the few lefties in the world.

Guess that means the cradle will be a portrait one. That sucks.
Never even though about it till now.
we lefties have rights to..and as a lefty i hold in my left hand and prefer using my index finger... also i remember reading somewhere it was vzw who asked for the usb port to moved. and i did see cradle for it...


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May 12, 2010
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Many of the negative reviews are valid. People tend to defend the phone by saying it was a known weakness or it's not a primary purpose of the phone (like the camera). These defenses are invalid, otherwise every phone (except ones falsely advertised0 would have the max review points.

Each user describes how it fits them. Out of it all, you get an average or general idea of the phone. You get extra info by matching up people's different preferences to similar preferences of your own.

I love my Incredible so far, but knocking others for their assessments of it is kinda silly.