How I got my Xoom 4G/LTE to stockish rooted Jelly Bean


Jan 6, 2012
I started with the latest Bugless Beast ICS with CWM recovery version All the credit for the files go to those who made/posted them. I just stumbled my way through making it all work by gathering informaton from several websites and threads and trying it.

What I needed:
1) Rooted Xoom with custom recovery and a little knowledge of ADB.
2) The nandroid from this link: Official VZW release of JellyBean for MZ602 - xda-developers (It is packaged as a RAR file so you will need to exract it to a zip file.)
3) Team EOS recovery from here: [Recovery] EOS recovery (R6) CWM Based - xda-developers
4) Rogue recvery from here:
5) Team EOS Xoom 4G ICS radios: Downloads - Downloading
6) Superuser for Arm Devices: Superuser (I used 3.2 RC2)
7) Titanium Backup from the Play Store

How I recommend doing it (this is the streamlined process I came up with after I finally figured out what I was doing):
1. Prep for the process by copying all the files to the Xoom's internal and external sdcard. Some of the recoveries default to the different sdcards.
2. Make a Titanium Backup of apps and data. (I created an inside of Titanium that did not work for some reason.)
2. Reboot Xoom into CWM Recovery and create a nandroid.
3. Flash the Team EOS recovery and reboot into recovery. If you have trouble getting back into recovery (I did) just let the Xoom finish booting and use ADB to reboot into recovery (adb reboot recovery).
4. Restore the nandroid from item 2 in the needed list. It will end with an error about not being able to restore data and that caused no problems for me.
5. Flash Rogue Recovery and then reboot into recovery. (I again had to let my Xoom finish booting and use ADB to reboot into recovery.)
6. Flash the Team EOS Xoom 4G radios.
7. Flash Superuser onto the tablet.
8. Attempt to flash the Titanium (It failed for me but this is not a problem since all you need to do is stop all of your downloads in the play store and download Titanium Backup to restore your apps.)
9. Reboot into Jelly Bean. Restore all your apps and data.
10. Reflash CWM Recovery from inside of ROM Manager and create a nandroid.

Again this is a streamlined process that I developed after the fact. If you brick your Xoom its on you.
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First, you need a recovery installed first to make a Nandroid. You don't need to flash your recovery again, it will be there until you push another recovery. Set Titanium backup to backup your apps to external SD card.

To get into recovery manually after Xoom restarts, wait for Moto logo, count 3 seconds, push volume down, it should say recovery on top left, then push volume up.

If your going to Jellybean from stock, you don't need to restore a Nandroid. Just make one in case something happens with all the updates.
A full system and data wipe would be needed.
Um, yeah you need a custom recovery to perform a nandroid. My post describes how I was able to install a development build of Jelly Bean that was posted on xda as a nandroid and not a ROM. To load the nandroid successfully I had to flash the Team EOS recovery because the recovery I had installed would not restore the leaked nandroid. Also after I restored the nandroid I lost root access and my radios did not work. To fix the radio issues I had to flash the Rogue recovery since Team EOS recommended that recovery to flash their radios. After all that I wanted to return to the original recovery I had installed just to make it easier to restore Bugless Beast if after a couple of days I decided the leaked Jelly Bean was not a daily driver.

Thanks for pointer on how to get into recovery on the Xoom. I stumbled upon what I was doing wrong yesterday.
It took me about 8 hours of following other instructions on how to install the Verizon MZ602 4g version to my 3g motorola xoom with no luck! Until I found your steps and followed them to a tee! I can't beleive it, I finally was able to get it installed with no issues! Thanks for the help Paul_1201.....Your the man!!!

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