What is a proper music downloader?


AC Question

proper music downloader?

downloaded many mp3 music downloaders but for some reason when i download music it doesn't store the song on my music player only on the app. Is there a way to save it to my music player or is there another app i could use?

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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Re: proper music downloader?

Welcome to Android Central! Which downloaders are you using? Be aware that some (or perhaps many) of those downloaders may not be entirely on the level, since downloading mp3 files for free often isn't ok with the music label or the artist.

Any app that downloads files isn't downloading it "to the app." It's downloading the file to a directory somewhere on the phone. If the music player isn't seeing those downloads, then it might not be in the proper format, or it might be downloading to a directory that contains a ".nomedia" file, which instructs the system to ignore that folder when looking for new media files. Use a file manager app to check various directories (like the Downloads directory, or any directory that seems associated with that downloader app) for the music files, and also to look for .nomedia files.